Recent content by Paul Mithouard

  1. Paul Mithouard

    COMPARE Baruch MFE vs NYU MathFin

    My answer to Laura. '' As far as reputation on Wall Street is concerned, most people know NYU, few people know CUNY/Baruch. This is just a fact I noticed when I came to New York, last September. Although it is highly regarded on the web, it is not the reality in New York, as of right now...
  2. Paul Mithouard

    COMPARE Please, need help: NYU MSMF v.s. Columbia MFE v.s. Cornell MFE

    Hello Wayn, I am currently studying in the NYU Courant program. If you have any question do not hesitate to contact me. Paul
  3. Paul Mithouard

    financial engineering and algo trading

    You have the Algorithmic Trading and Quantitative Strategies course in NYU s program. MFE is probably the best way to touch on that although the quality of course may vary from one program to another. Best, Paul
  4. Paul Mithouard

    Hurricane Irene

    Being on the route of a hurricane is a once in a lifetime experience. If I were you, I would be sad to miss that ;)
  5. Paul Mithouard

    COMPARE TOP 3 MFE programs in terms of Placement?

    If Baruch's Placements & Statistics are as transparents as you imply, why do you need any comment on them? Are you really asking for insights, or are you just making some basic advertising?
  6. Paul Mithouard

    2011 Carnegie Mellon University - Accepted

  7. Paul Mithouard

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    Just finished with the interview. I do not know how it went. The interviewer definetely was an interesting person.
  8. Paul Mithouard

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    I have an Interview in less than an hour. Wish me luck
  9. Paul Mithouard

    2011 Carnegie Mellon University - Interview

  10. Paul Mithouard

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    Congrats to all of you! Is CMU your Target school?
  11. Paul Mithouard

    COMPARE NYU-Poly vs. Fordham MSQF

    @CrazyRussian, Have you considered reapplying next year. There is nothing to be ashamed of if you did not land your dream MFE program this year. Giving it another try next year, with better credentials, definitely is an option. Paul
  12. Paul Mithouard

    Which MFE program is your "Final Destination"?

    @Andy Sorry, by "Next Fall", I meant upcoming Fall (2011).
  13. Paul Mithouard

    Which MFE program is your "Final Destination"?

    I will start the program next fall.
  14. Paul Mithouard

    Which MFE program is your "Final Destination"?

    I will be attending NYU -Courant next year. Can't wait.
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