Recent content by pruse

  1. pruse

    COMPARE Boston U MSMF vs Rutgers MQF

    Bathrooms at the BBs are about as bad, actually worse in many cases. I work at one so I can vouch for this. If they're like this at respectable banks, can't expect much from a CUNY.
  2. pruse


    There are arguments on both sides. If you don't publish any stats, some will call you opaque, others will just be intrigued and seek out reviews from alumni. And if there's a forum like this where there are enough people willing to give accurate reviews, then there really is no need for stats...
  3. pruse

    Columbia MAFN Columbia MAFN Placement Data for 2010 via Linkedin

    But keep in mind that placement stats can, and often are, doctored. Either they are incorrect or they leave out a part of the story. You must always condition the stats on whatever information you can gather. In fact, placement stats are usually already conditional on some -- often favorable --...
  4. pruse

    COMPARE CMU MSCF (Pittsburgh) vs Columbia MSFE vs Berkeley MFE

    I think he means Joy was going out and interviewing...?
  5. pruse

    COMPARE Columbia OR vs Baruch MFE

    Cool story bro!
  6. pruse

    COMPARE Columbia OR vs Baruch MFE

    Well then I guess they should also know how upset Joy was when Baruch coursework cut into his blogging time. I can't remember if I cried//When they forced him to decide//But something touched me deep inside//The day the blogging died.
  7. pruse

    COMPARE Columbia OR vs Baruch MFE

    It's tough, I know. But when one puts himself on a pedestal, one makes himself a target for inquisition, no? I didn't realize you were a public relations officer for Baruch. If I'd known there were openings I would have submitted an application.
  8. pruse

    COMPARE Columbia OR vs Baruch MFE

    There's a difference between advertising and crushing all dissenting opinions.
  9. pruse

    COMPARE Columbia OR vs Baruch MFE

    What saddens me most about Baruch (especially because I went there and the behavior gives me and others a bad name) is how everyone needs to constantly reiterate how great it is and/or put other programs down in order to lift Baruch. This also happened right after Baruch won RITC. This is not...
  10. pruse

    Baruch MFE My experience with Baruch MFE admission process

    Advait, if I were you I'd count myself lucky for having been spared the difficulties inherent in actually attending the program.
  11. pruse

    COMPARE Columbia OR vs Baruch MFE

    A wise person once said, "if you bite off more than you can chew, be prepared to spit it back out." And don't forget - great things are already known, they don't need an introduction.
  12. pruse

    COMPARE Columbia OR vs Baruch MFE

    "We are Baruch MFE! Resistance is futile! All naysayers shall be smoked!"
  13. pruse

    COMPARE Columbia OR vs Baruch MFE

    Hmm, what if they looked at your older QN posts and some negativity shined through, as Lyosha said? Because if you say something they dislike, you'll often get "smoked."
  14. pruse

    COMPARE Columbia OR vs Baruch MFE

    Lyosha is right about the pre-MFE route, and there's a very good reason for this.
  15. pruse

    COMPARE Columbia OR vs Baruch MFE

    Welcome to the real world. Everyone promises transparency, very few people actually deliver it.
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