Recent content by rashmikumar

  1. UK Govt to abolish student work visa

    BusinessBecause in association with Google and others recently organised a day-long UK Business Education Communication Conference. The very first panel discussion was on the current visa changes happening in the UK, with contributions from an immigration solicitor and others rallying for the...
  2. MS in Finance

    MSc Finance programs can help you get a job Hi all, For those thinking of job prospects with regards to doing a Masters in Finance program, the scene isn't all that bad. You can read the story on MSc finance programs which can work out better than an MBA for some, on the BusinessBecause...
  3. Help!!!MBA grad going down for last

    More B-School graduates employed now than before Hi, Worry not! You will hopefully find a job soon enough! A recent study showed that 9 out of 10 management graduates have found a job in 2010 - an increase from last year! Read the story on the BusinessBecause website at MBA Job Market - More...
  4. MFE in Europe

    Admission questions anyone? Hi, I am a journalist with a business education website and am soon going to interview the Admissions Director of B-school Warwick University. If anyone has any important/interesting question to ask her, please leave me a reply and I'll make a note of your...