Recent content by Roq

  1. How do I become a quant?

    Andy, your remark about my age not being a factor is quite intriguing (and happily surprising!) to me. I hang out with other physicists and I'm usually the "old guy". The typical story with my friends is that they finish their undergrad degree by age 22 or 23. Then they go on directly to...
  2. How do I become a quant?

    Thanks for the tips. Oh yeah, I'm pretty good programmer - i used to work in industry doing software development. My problem is my age though... I'll be 35+ by the time I graduate if I start a PhD. Is it worth it?
  3. How do I become a quant?

    How do I become a quant? I just finished reading "My Life as Quant". Very interesting. I'd like to make some money too! I just graduated with a MS. in Physics. What should I pursue next? roq