Recent content by Spark

  1. S

    EngD useful for Quant role?

    Hi guys, I've been offered an EngD in nuclear engineering (computational physic) it looks like an interesting area - but I'm also thinking about becoming a Quant. I'm not doing the Phd to become quant but it is something that I'm interested in. So would a EngD be of any use? Or should I take a...
  2. S

    IB graduate scheme thoughts?

    By the way I have a physics background and looking at doing this: after next year. Cheers guys!
  3. S

    IB graduate scheme thoughts?

    Hi guys, I just wondered what your thoughts were for graduate scheme analyst potions? I'm also considering doing a PhD but wory about the "overqualified lable". I'm also quite desperate to get out there an make a name for myself :) so would the graduate scheme get me farthest? Or do you hit a...
  4. S

    Chances of becoming a quant?

    Thanks for you input so far guys. I want to do a PhD for the love of physics/maths but in the Uk that's not going to lead to many career options. Quantitative finance seemed to be one of the few area's that physics PhD's were taken on. So this is quite concerning: "I've a mate who recently...
  5. S

    Chances of becoming a quant?

    Hi Guys me again :) hope your all well, I asked a simulator question a while back and have done a lot more research. I Pm several members and some of them suggested that I post my question here. I really want to get some input from physicists that have made the leap from a physics PhD to Quant...
  6. S

    Msc theortical physics vs Applied math

    Hi Abdel, Hi Barny!! Thanks for you answers. Barny that's kind of my thinking. I would love to do a PhD in HEP and I have a very good academic record (top of my cohort and spent my MPhys researching at Harvard uni) but I get the feeling a large element of luck is involved in getting a PhD let...
  7. S

    Msc theortical physics vs Applied math

    Hi guy, I have an offer to do either a MSc in theoretical physics (quantum fields and fundamental forces) or Applied math at imperial. I always wanted to go onto study Quantum field theory , general relativity and quantum computing and cryptography. I would love to study a PhD in this area...
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