Recent content by yzia

  1. yzia

    Will an A- affect my application?

    Ahh that's pretty cool! I wanted to get involved in some research with Prof. Madan, but he didn't have anything for undergrads unfortunately. It seems like you were there for a few days? April 07 was the end of my freshman year.
  2. yzia

    Will an A- affect my application?

    Haha yup! My alma mater :)
  3. yzia

    Will an A- affect my application?

    There are classes you can take in Economics that can be very difficult, speaking as an Economics/Physics major - well, I graduated. Advanced Macroeconomics was almost as WTF to me as Quantum Mechanics and required just as much work to both understand. Depending on the school/program you go to...
  4. yzia

    Will an A- affect my application?

    I think you need a lighten up a little man :) I know plenty of people who got into PhD/Masters programs at top schools with GPA's faaaar from a 4.0 You're GPA is one important aspect, yes, but there's a lot that goes with a grad application.
  5. yzia

    Advice for Undergraduates

    Sigh, I remember when I was young and naive (being only 23, I'm sure I'm still young and naive). Fact of the matter is, greed always breeds more greed.
  6. yzia

    How an undergraduate math exam in the US looks like?

    I'd say this were fairly lengthy for a 75 minute class, in 2 hours, I would say it's doable. What class is this for? Is it an upper level class? If it's an upper level class, I wouldn't say its difficult at all, but at a lower level, I would say it was fair.
  7. yzia

    Quants love poker?

    I curl at the national curling center.
  8. yzia

    Why you should cry for the intelligence of the human Race.

    Welcome to the internet, my friend ;)
  9. yzia

    Why you should cry for the intelligence of the human Race.

    this is exactly why it has become a meme on the internet. It's all about syntax and has led to a lot of discussions. It's really not a reason to cry for the human race. There are a ton of other reasons that are more pressing.
  10. yzia

    Anne Hathaway and Warren Buffett...?

    I'm starting a company called Rebecca Black Taylor Swift Lady Gaga Brad Pitt Matt Damon Charlie Sheen
  11. yzia

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    And I've been going here full-time for 5 years. The competitions get put into the crappy buildings and I'm not sure what you mean by dirty. Some of the buildings are old, anything you'd deal with though is modernized. But to each their own :)
  12. yzia

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    heh, I assure you its anything but gloomy but lol. and your pic doesnt work. but have fun at cmu - definitely a great school edit: ah your pic works. hahaha oh man, way to find a picture of a place in early early morning. i was at bagel place just now for a late lunch, most definitely not...
  13. yzia

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    college park is a ghetto? news to me and i've lived here for five years. every college town is as unsafe or safe as you make it.
  14. yzia

    Help Me Choose Where To Go For Undergrad

    Undergrad STEM rankings typically go off of their graduate counterparts, at least in Math, Physics, and CS. Maryland is at 20, CMU is at 36. CMU has the name recognition and...
  15. yzia

    University of Maryland undergraduate

    I did the entire Physics major in 2 years, and know a lot of people that did Math and {Econ || Finance} in 4. You will be fine. And by "pick up" I mean add the major
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