C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

Reviews 4.93 star(s) 1,311 reviews

I started with 0 programming background and finally finished this course with distinction. I learned much knowledge in C++ and could start to take my Master program in MFE. Many thanks for professor's skillful teaching and TA's kindly assistance and guidance to help me to achieve this goal.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This course has been one of the best learning experience for C++. I have Learnt a great deal though not the best of time for me to do full justice to it. Quality of the course is of highest order and tutor and online help has been amazing.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This course was both very challenging and very rewarding. The TA's on QuantNet were very quick to respond, professional, and helpful. I aimed to develop a strong basis in C++ programming quantitatively and qualitatively and I did just that. I will use what I have learned to continue to build my C++ skill set in the future.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The lecture materials are very clear. The TA is very nice and helpful. I learn a lot from this course!
Yes, I would recommend this program
I think the quality of the course is very high. I have been admitted by Rutgers MQF program, it fully meets my original goal for taking this C++ course.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This course is excellent. I learned a lot of knowledges in c++. Every time I review the class materials, I can always find new stuffs to remember. Overall, the class is very professional and the professor and TAs are very knowledgeable and devout all their efforts in helping us. The level 9's introduction to computational finance even exceed my expectation. That part makes me know how to use the knowledge we learned practically and inspire my interest in learning the quantitative finance. A GREAT COURSE WITH GREAT PEOPLE. THANK YOU!
Yes, I would recommend this program
One word to conclude, excellent. I experience a wonderful trip from zero to proficiency with the basics of C++. The teaching assistant helps me a lot, solving all of my questions, always in time. The instruction of the homework PDFs minutely guide me how to complete the tasks and the posts in the forum almost refer to all the problems I have met. It is enjoyable for me to study C++ in C++ Program for Financial Engineering and the program totally meets my original goal.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I like the class homeworks and TA feedbacks, I learn a lot throughout this material.Also the forums are very helpful. I learn from students response as well.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Overall the course is good for those who want to apply for MFE without c++ experience. TA is very helpful.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This is the best programming course I have ever taken. With clear structure, the lectures demonstrate the necessary C++ knowledge we need to apply in the FE field. I really appreciate my TA for his prompt response and careful assistance. What a great experience!!!
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course is really great! My TA was very helpful and provide useful comments and suggestions throughout the course.
Yes, I would recommend this program
My main goal behind taking this course was the acquire the knowledge and practical skills to be able to pursue financial engineering without a prior computer background. The course curriculum was very broad and detailed, and overall it was an enjoyable learning experience. My assigned TA (Avi) was very helpful and would respond to all my queries within an hours time.

Thanks for a great virtual semester!
Yes, I would recommend this program
Before taking the course, I did have some programming experience but it was nothing systematic. This course instead teaches us from the very basic C to more advanced library. I myself learned a great deal from the course and at the same time I learned how to apply C++ into financial industry (especially option pricing). Credit to those responsible TAs and Duffy's video, which make this online course the online course that I've ever had.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I enjoyed the course a lot. It was very instructive and gave me a much better background in programming and computer science. The assignments were appropriately challenging and the lectures were very useful without spoon feeding you all the answers.
Yes, I would recommend this program
It's a very practical and helpful C++ course in Financial Engineering. I think Daniel Duffy provides us a good way of learning C++, that is "messing everything up and see what will happen" and it makes the process more interesting. Plus, thanks for APalley's help in this process, his answers are usually very clear and inspiring.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I think this is a great course. The contents are substantial and the homework is very useful for both learning and practicing. It's my very first programming course. My undergraduate major or current graduate major has nothing to do with mathematics or computer science. I took this C++ online course in the first semester I came to New York, at the same time I'm enrolling in Pre-MFE on-site courses and current major courses. I'm occupied by lots of things from the beginning to right now. Yet I survived. Though I have to ask for extension which excludes me from graduating with distinction, I managed to finish every homework with good quality for which I'm very proud of myself : ) So it's definitely a great course for all levels of people. It makes me interested in programming and gives me the confidence to love it and gives knowledge and skills to continue to advance it. Most importantly, it's a great help for my application of MFE Program in Baruch. It equips me with essential skills to be an ideal candidate especially under the circumstance that I don't have a strong background in mathematics. And the TA APalley is very kind and helpful to me during the whole courses. He gives me lots of useful comments and suggestions. I couldn't say more thank you to him. He is super great in his job.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The quality of the course was high. I enjoyed the learning the topics then doing this HW with the help of the TAs and the forum.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I guess many people think that today, you can find everything you need to learn something new (e.g. programming language, car tuning) on youtube or on other platforms.
To a certain extent, this might be correct, but there is no substitute for a well structured syllabus, good video lectures, challenging excercises and a supporting online community. Only by actually coding, you learn how to code. And in this course, you are required to code a lot. There are almost no theretical or academic questions. Most excerices are hands on coding excercises. This course teaches you C++ skills beyond most college or university courses. Therefore, if you want to learn C++, you are doing everything righty by enrolling in this course.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I greatly appreciate all your efforts for holding this class. The TAs answer to my questions quickly and the video instruction is pretty clear.

My original goal is to learn C++ and apply this technique to option pricing in Monte Carlo method. Your course has perfectly satisfied my demands and even exceeds my expectation. Thank you again for all your efforts.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Absolutely yes. From basic to deeper, exercises and discussion on forum allow me to learn and apply.
Yes, I would recommend this program