C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

Reviews 4.93 star(s) 1,311 reviews

I think the assignments are really good. We can learn C++ in a progressive process. The quiz in the videos is also inspiring, but I think some more hints about it would be more beneficial.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Great course, which is seem to be easy and then unfolds into complex and challenging studying. I've never met similar courses before, where so much attention was paid to const methods and necessity of data hiding (and incapsulation is one of the main features of OOP) and reusability of written code. 100% useful!
Yes, I would recommend this program
This course is really helpful to improve my c++ skill. APalley is a very nice TA and he gives me many useful advices.This course and information from QuantNet provides me with a great chance to studying skills to be a quant.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I think the course is very challenging and the TA and forum have been very helpful in guiding me through the course.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Good curriculum design, content is well explained, and I learned a lot in homework. TA is patient and responsible, and the platform design is also very good.
I think it perfectly meets my original goal for taking this course
Yes, I would recommend this program
Good course in general. really helped me in understanding C++ programming in financial engineering. The TA always responded to my questions timely, and gave me useful advice.
But the website couldn't be accessible at some time. Maybe there are technical issues that need to be fixed.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This course is of tremendous help to anyone who wants to learn C++ from the very beginning. The course material is well-designed so even someone without previous programming experience can easily follow. The TAs provide strong support to students - they have a solid understanding of the material and always respond to inquiries in no time.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Content of the course matches my expectation.
The interaction with TA has been very helpful.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Thanks for Pally and other TAs' patient and help! They helped me a lot and gave a lot of studying materials from which I learned a lot.
Yes, I would recommend this program
In my opinion the course is very good because of the complete content of the course.
TA is quite helpful because they always answer our question in time.
Yes, I would recommend this program
It is a very intensive course. I learned a lot to build up my foundation of c++. The TA is very responsible.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I am so glad to meet my TA, He is so fast to give me a good feedback for all questions, especially some silly questions.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course is very useful and my TA is really responsible. Greatly impressed by his quick reply and clear explanation !
Yes, I would recommend this program
Homework questions were designed very well, learned a lot mostly from going through homework questions. Forum access is also very helpful and makes it very easy to learn and ask questions, read past student's questions. Overall felt like I learned a lot and that the class was a good forcing mechanism for learning C++.

TA answers questions very fast. In this way it was more helpful than a live class since the TA could answers questions at any time!
Yes, I would recommend this program
I thought the course was very well designed and informative. I came away with a good understanding of the material and found the projects engaging. The lectures were well done and I really appreciate the clear diction of the teacher. The ta was helpful and quick to respond.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This course covers the basics of C++ and lays a solid foundation for my future financial engineering study. The content is very suitable for new learners and is very useful.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I was looking to take the next step with programming after having become proficient with C#, Java and Python, while also hoping to bolster my financial knowledge credentials. It appeared this program offered the perfect opportunity to do both things. The course really builds you up from "0 to hero" when it comes to developing a working knowledge of C++, but I would be hesitant to recommend this class to someone with no prior knowledge in programming. C++ is a difficult language to learn, and having to also learn the basic of object oriented programming may make this course overwhelming. That being said, if you are willing to put in some extra time (perhaps up to 20 hours on some assignments!), you will come out with the basic skills to be a software developer. This course only has a single, intensive lesson on Financial option pricing, so you might feel it is a little light in that regard. Still, you should have the building blocks that will allow you to implement more advanced concepts in financial modeling upon completion.
Yes, I would recommend this program
course is very helpful for those who want to have a glimpse at financial engineering. what can be improved is the contents of videos, there could be more examples relating to the homeworks, which would save a lot of time looking them up in the forum.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course is really helpful for a beginner and also challenging enough to gain a good handle of C++. Also, TA is so great and always ready to help.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course has been very helpful in that it provides the core content of a C++ book with 1000+ pages normally. I have no previous experience in coding but I think the course has definitely introduced me to a good coding paradigm where conciseness and robustness stem from thoughts and algorithms. It is not very hard to pass each level, but it is very demanding if one wants to get an overall score of 90+.

Avi Palley works very efficiently and has been very helpful, usually pointing out major flaws in my homework and my misconceptions within 24 hours after my HW submission. And he leaves many useful comments and links in the forum to help us clarify specific or general concepts in C++.

The forum contains much useful information about the C++ language itself and HW requirements but takes much time to search.

For me, the course has been a little torturing overall because of the high standards and my inexperience, but it has been and definitely will be of great help.
Yes, I would recommend this program