C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

Reviews 4.93 star(s) 1,311 reviews

It has been a wonderful experience to take this course! Before taking the course, I had almost no background in programming, however, this course helped me build a solid foundation in c++ little by little and enable me to build up confidence in programming. The lecture videos are very clear and sometimes humerous, and the professor and the TAs are also very helpful and professional, who are always there to help me solve the problems very efficiently. Sometimes I asked very basic and even silly questions, but they still reply me very patiently, I really appreciate their dedication.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course was very good. I liked the structure of the homework assignments, especially the way we build on the assignments from week to week giving us a complete project at the end. The only bad thing I would say is the videos are incredibly boring. I do feel ready to take the advanced course which I will probably take up during the summer. I would recommend anyone to complete this course.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The forum is really helpful, and the Das are always quick to respond to any questions.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The class is intensive for people who don't have much programming experience. TAs are very helpful as they are willing to answer questions. Also the forum is a big help!
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course enable me to get an good understanding of C++ and how to apply C++ to solve basic problems in finance.
Yes, I would recommend this program
As for me who learned C three years ago, this is a great course that expands my understanding of C/C++ languages. C++ is not exactly the same as C, since it includes much more functionalities, like BOOST and STL. It is definitely more complicated, but more useful. The instructor is experienced, and my TA is careful and patient. Really recommend this course!
Yes, I would recommend this program
I really like how the course is structured, especially about two things. One is the forum for broad discussion, where all previous students ideas are shared and shine in collisions, not to mention the company of Dr. Daniel and TAs, who are not only participating but also making this community more lovely and friendly. The second part I like about this course is my TA, Dr. A. Palley. He's really nice and patient in all kind of errors I made and questions I put forth. Also, he maintains his rigor at a very high level, and thus became the most reliable friend I deem in the course -- both in private conversations and in public forum threads. I'm really impressed with such personal charisma.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I really feel that it is my pleasure to meet with my TA, Mr.Apalley, who provides me with deeper understanding of c++ in finance, despite of the fact that I have learned some simple knowledge about c++ before.Without help from him and the forum, I think I must be blocked by many obstacles right now and cannot reach this far at this moment. I think the quality of this course is high and aimed at finance clearly, which could be reflected from level 9, the most excellent part of this course, also the most difficult.
In a word, this is an splendid course worth devoting your time and energy.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course is well-rounded and practical. Good programming training for those who are interest in quantitative finance.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This is one of the greatest courses I've ever taken, and I think it is actually a must if you are starting C++ and want to lay a solid foundation for computer programming. This course is really comprehensive, covering many useful topics, especially the C++ application in financial engineering. Although this course may be somewhat intensive, I can always find prompt help from the forum and my TA. All of the videos, course material and homework are valuable resources which I can turn to whenever I meet difficulty in this field in the future. Finally, a big thank you to Prof.Duffy and my TA Avi, for your excellent work and generous support!
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course is very clear and friendly to C++ beginner. It clearly addresses the key points, and the exercise is appropriate. The TA responses my questions quite promptly and the answer is to the point. I also find the forum helpful.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I really appreciate the class content with comprehensive knowledge about almost every aspect of C++. It also provides me with a further insight of what would be the real quant life. @Apalley is my TA who is always kind and reply to my questions and HW very quickly. I appreciate for his tutor and his comment on my HW.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I think TA replies really quickly with high quality and I really like the atmosphere of discussing questions with peers. I can find many similar problems I have faced with. After participating in this course, I have a good foundation of C++ knowledge. Besides, although feeling frustrated dealing with debug problems, I gain fully inner accomplishment when seeing my codes run well. Thanks for the systemic course and sound logic! It's really beneficial!
Yes, I would recommend this program
This is a very useful courses for my further career pursue and I gained a lot from this course. This is a course not only about hard skill of C++ , it is also about patience , attitude and carefulness. Thanks for APalley's help and you are really supportive to me . Also, I want to thank @Pavlos Sakoglou ,who help me a lot with comprehensive detail and guide :D
Yes, I would recommend this program
This course was a great tool to learning the foundations of C++. I definitely feel comfortable now in using the concepts taught by the course, and have a solid base on which I hope to build on this knowledge. All of the TA's were very helpful. Responses to any questions were prompt and the criticism provided was constructive. I always felt that I was able to receive instructive comments to make my code better.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Highly recommended course!! I enlarge my knowledge of C++ greatly by learning from this course. And I have to say review makes us better. I think the slides are really helpful on some key points, which I may not understand first time.

I think Professor Daniel is the best computer language teacher I met. I mean, the course is taught at the level that is not too complicated but really useful and helpful for understanding. And I really appreciate my TA Avi. He is always there giving quick feedback and help patiently.
Yes, I would recommend this program
It is such a great course. The course is well designed, the material is well organized such that the learning process was not painful at all for a programing beginner. Homework is what I found most helpful in learning the language since the homework helps you understand and apply what you learn from the lecture. Really recommended for people wants to get their heads start in C/C++ programing. The TA is also really great and helpful regarding to answering questions and pointing out the homework coding issue. Really great course, nothing comes to my mind regarding to improvement.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The class is very helpful! I have been enjoying the studying process a lot. The class content is practical, clear and progressive. Instructor and TAs are very helpful and kind, and respond to questions very quickly! The forum is also a very good tool to study the content.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I have learned surprisingly a lot of things through this online course. Unlike other online courses, I could get feedback from tutors which helped me identify my mistakes and improve my coding skills.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This was a very fun class. I started out knowing nothing about writing in C++. I have put off learning C++ for years, because so many people have told me how difficult the language is and I felt mildly intimidated by it. However, this course made it easy. Now, at the end of the 116 day course, I have learned the fundamentals and have developed a very strong base upon which I can build a strong set of skills.
Yes, I would recommend this program