C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

Reviews 4.93 star(s) 1,311 reviews

In the beginning I found the course difficult because I didn't know anything about C++ or computer programming . As I'm planning to apply to MFE programs, I needed to fill this gap. So I had to choose between local courses and entering into the new experience of this on-line program. The first lessons were very hard and I had to spend many hours on them, but it was really worth it. I learned basic and some advanced programming techniques. Moreover, it was a pleasure to work with the support of the TAs and other students. I have built myself a hub of programming and financial engineering knowledge, and have become a fan of quantnet.com. More importantly, this course has woken up my interest to keep on learning more programming.

Special mention to Avi Palley (my TA) and Trev who answered all my question and more, in a timely fashion.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The contents of the course really help you understand the C++ language. The forums and the feedback from the TA have been very helpful in order to complete the course in a limited period of time for me that I work full time.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This course is absolutely phenomenal. Mr.Duffy's presentation is professional, easy-understanding and lively. The course offers everyone a chance to learn C++ from the very beginning to having the ability to solve some computation finance problems. Avi, the TA, is always there to help and quite knowledgable. Really recommend it to all who wish to have a future career path in financial engineering.
Yes, I would recommend this program
It's a relatively difficult course/seminar for people who has no experience in programming - but it's still worth it.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I like this course overall. The homework is intense but really helpful. I really want to thank Andy for his quick response to any issues, my TA Avi for his guidance and comments on my homework, and super active member Avi for his help.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course is an excellent way for a beginner to learn a lot about C++. I came out with much more knowledge I ever expected.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This is the most illustrious and puissant C++ online course with the most famous professor. Also TA is very stringent and responsible that gave us excellent help and support. The whole procedure, the pressure, the inspiration, and the challenge striving through the course are exactly as sitting in a fabulous master level class. All endeavor deserved and thank you so much.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course started out with the basics so people with no programming experience like myself could understand it. By the end of the course, we were able to understand computational finance programs such as option pricing and monte carlo method so a great amount were learned throughout the course.

The course was challenging but at the same time, the interactive forum makes it interesting. I would recommend this course to anyone who is interested in computational finance.
Yes, I would recommend this program
To the point, no beating around the bush, focused and rigorous seminar. I will recommend this course to anyone in my deep sleep. I have spent my last 14 years doing programming for living.

Complacency is your biggest enemy if you are already doing good amount of non-C++ coding (I got badly hit by that early on). Do not take things for granted.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The quality of the course was great in that it covers from C/C++ basics to STL and finance applications, provides good examples from each level. Even though I did not have many experiences with programming languages, with quality curriculum of the course and the support from dedicated TA, I believe that I have developed my programming literacy greatly satisfying the prerequisite requirement.
Yes, I would recommend this program
The quality of the course was excellent, beginning with the very basics of C to actual applications for option pricing. Not only have I learned about C++ programming, but I know have an idea about what I would be doing if I pursue financial engineering as a profession. The TA and support was amazing too. All questions were answered almost immediately and I the discussion threads were very helpful as well. Overall it was a challenging but amazing experience.
Yes, I would recommend this program
It provides sufficient but not superfluous knowledge on C++ programming for finance. Well designed curriculum links a freshman to a practitioner in financial programming.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I really like this course. All the topics are crucial and up-to-date. It starts from simple and leads to financial applications with middle level C++ skills. The contents are great even for people who do not have any programming background. It is a good place to start to learn C++ and basic programming logic. The homework at each level help to understand the content and extend the knowledge. And my TA (Avi) is very responsible and helpful, so you won't feel you are studying along but with a great teaching assistant can you help.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I found the class to be exactly what I was looking for. A quick review on the basics of C, then moving into C++, with a big focus on templates, vectors, and in general STL, and Boost. The actual use of Boost and numeric methods to solve options equations was great. I would recommend this course to anyone going into Financial Engineering or who wants to get a job in Quantitative Finance.

The TA was very responsive, and quickly graded my work, and gave great suggestions on ways to improve my skills.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Very well thought out class. The projects are definitely challenging. I can't comment if it is for people with no programming background since I already know Java and C#. This course gave me a solid base of C++.
The TA was great, answered questions promptly and graded fairly.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I really appreciate this course offered by QuantNet and Baruch College. As someone who has very little programming experience, this course really gives me insight into C++ environment and its application in quantitative finance. My teaching assistant APalley(Avi) has been great in assisting me with the course material. The online forum is also very helpful. Overall, I would recommend this online course to anyone who is willing to apply to a MFE program.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Overall, I have enjoyed the C++ course. Andy & his peers have definitely put lots of time in organizing the forum for C++ certificate. The discussion forum is helpful.

The assignments are structured such that you can gain better understanding of the course content. I cleared many of my doubts on the C++ concepts while doing the assignments. I like very much the way the assignments are designed and structured. I also like the course syllabus which covers many important topics in C++.

My TA responded to my queries within a day. However, I got more helps from reading the posts of other peers on forum.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Course material is very interesting especially toward the end. TA is very helpful and efficient.
I learned a lot from this course and I also found interest in programming for financial applications.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This course is great for someone who is learning programming for the first time and is considering a mathematical finance degree. The material focuses heavily on C++ programming concepts, provides best-practice recommendations, and gives many problems to work on. I found the problems to be my favorite part of the course because they gave me a motivating reason to be learning theory. In contrast with reading a book on programming, I was able to meet a community of individuals interested in quant finance. We learn from each others successes and failures, and can provide help if you ever feel completely stumped.

This course is difficult and will require a commitment from you. But if you decide to stick it out, you will learn a lot over your 16 weeks and become much more confident in programming by the end. I don't know everything about programming, but I now feel confident enough to explore on my own.
Yes, I would recommend this program
Excellent course. The contents were very well structured and the exercises are very helpful in terms of implementing what you have learned. My TA (Avi) was very responsive to my questions.
Yes, I would recommend this program