C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

Reviews 4.93 star(s) 1,311 reviews

great help on cpp, really went over all the essential part of the language.
I appreciate the hw, its design really helped me practice the necessary knowledge of the course.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I took the course because I want to sharpen my skills in programming and pursue a career in quantitative finance. After consulting, lots of my friends and alumni recommended this course to me, so I decided to give it a try. And I found this course great since Dr. Duffy's videos are clear and easy to follow, which quickly helped me grasp a holistic view of C++. My TA, Avi Palley is professional and responsible throughout the course. Thanks to both of them!
Yes, I would recommend this program
This is a great course. I learned for the first time about OOP, memory management, libraries, and financial applications, and I feel comfortable talking about these more advanced concepts as well as implementing them. Since starting the class, I've even started using OOP at work for some data analysis projects.

Avi was a fantastic TA. He provided quick grading and helpful responses.

I learned a lot from this course and look forward to continuing to learn C++.
Yes, I would recommend this program
This course is well-famed and everybody more or less knows it. I decided to take it because I wanted to learn C++. I didn't expect it to be so comprehensive and illuminating!
Yes, I would recommend this program
This course has enhanced my understanding of the programming languages, which is really helpful. I learnt about this course from Baruch College's website.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I heard about the course from senior students. I took the course because as a non-computer science-specialty student, I lack training on C++ which is crucial to MFE application and my future career.
The course is really well designed, with abundant supporting materials. Once I had questions, I could search on the forum to learn from previous experience. I also got a lot of training from the homework which isn't easy to complete.
Yes, I would recommend this program
great in getting the bands on experience of exact method, MC and FDM
Yes, I would recommend this program
The course is certainly intense for someone with zero programming experience. The experience is overall pleasant. While I have procrastinated a lot during the process, the forums and TAs are really helpful.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I was admitted to a MFE program when I decided to buy this course. I saw this course on Quantnet website and want to improve my programming skills by this course.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I want to apply for a master in the US with this course as supplement.
My application advisor suggested me to take this course.
Yes, I would recommend this program
My friend told me that it is extremely useful
Yes, I would recommend this program
It's really a good course for whoever want to study C++! I knew this course from my friend and I really learnt a lot!
Yes, I would recommend this program
I enrolled in the course for two reasons:
1. Become a programmer: I had some coding experience with Python and VBA. However, I wanted to become a better programmer and not merely a coder. This course has certainly helped me become a better programmer. Not only can I write efficiently designed programs but also I have become comfortable at understanding and debugging code. The course definitely introduces best coding practice. Last but not the least, I had heard great things about the TA support and I have had the pleasure to experience it myself. Along with being prompt at answering questions on the forum, my TA (Avi Palley) provided detailed feedback on the homework and guided me all the way to implement best programming practices.

2. Meet the programming requirements for MFE programs: I believe that this course is designed to prepare the students to handle grad school level programming.
Yes, I would recommend this program
My mentor recommended this course to me saying that it would be beneficial to take since I want to become a quant in the future. It's great that it's a 16-week online course and I can study in my own pace and ask questions on the forum. The tutors and the professor are patient to answer my questions and they helped me solve my problems with guiding questions, instead of just giving out the answers. When I submitted my homework, I always received detailed feedback which is useful for my next step. I'm glad that I finish this course and enhance my C++/C programming skills, and had some experience with the Boost library, and tried some financial applications in Level 9.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I heard this course from a fellow student, who has taken Baruch MFE program and working in NY now. I take this course to learn how to use C++. My university doesn't provide a C++ course for me.
Yes, I would recommend this program
C++ is very useful and many people recommend this course to me.
Yes, I would recommend this program
My experience with the course is overall positive. I believe the curriculum and assignments are rigorous enough to ensure a good grasp of C++ and to encourage students to look beyond the lecture notes to understand various C++ concepts in depth. Daniel, Avi and WZhang have been very responsive to questions on the forum and our assignment submissions.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I loved the course, and the lectures were very informative. I learned a lot about the fundamentals of c++.

The reason I took the course was to develop a robust groundwork in c++ where I can grow and develop as a programmer. I wish to apply for financial engineering graduate programs, and felt this course could prepare me for that.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I found the course by the recommendation of Professor Dan in Baruch, and I'm taking this course for a better chance in MFE application. I felt quite satisfied with the course.
Yes, I would recommend this program
I enrolled this course in order to apply for MFE programs. During the course, the videos, forums, TA helped me a lot. I had to say that the experience is unique.And I received a lot!
Yes, I would recommend this program