Stevens Institute of Technology - MS in Financial Engineering

Stevens Institute of Technology - MS in Financial Engineering

STEM-designated program that prepares you to thrive on Wall Street

Reviews 4.38 star(s) 37 reviews

I was a master student here and transferred to Ph.D. I would like to recommend the study resources here, such as our financial lab, databases, etc. There are a lot of chances for you to improve your skill and knowledge from different aspects. The whole department are looking for all possible ways to make the program better and better. BTW, the professors are all really kind people :)
Good resource, good location, excellent professors. Near NYC, good access to intern and work opportunity.
As a Phd student in Financial Engineering, I would like to say Stevens has one of the best financial labs in the US. Our corporate partners are ConvergEx, Bloomberg, ICAP, Reuters, Gain Capital, etc. The high-frequency financial data from Reuters Tickhistory and News Analytics strongly support my research.Our professors have projects from Sloan Foundation, SEC, CFTC, ICAP, Accenture, Deloitte and many other places. The graduate students have chance to go to Jefferies for an intern as part of FE800 course. Co-op program is also available to FE students.
Good resources. Extensive quant courses. Good professors.
I attended and graduated Stevens' Master of Science in Financial Engineering program from 2011 to 2013 and highly recommend program. Upon completion of my Master's project and graduation I obtained a position at a large utility company in the structuring and quantitative analysis group; one which I believe would not have obtained without the Stevens MFE. The institute has a well known reputation for science and engineering and the MFE curriculum is worthy of that reputation. The skills I have learned have translated directly to my position and I have nothing but praise for the program and professors alike.
Stevens employs great, knowledgable, professors. Resources that students have access to are extremely useful. The Hanlon Financial Lab give students access to both Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters data. The campus location is very beneficial since its proximity to New York opens up more opportunities for internships.
It meets my expectations