A year out from graduating here, I wanted to give a fair evaluation of the Financial Mathematics Program at the University of Chicago (U of C). The program has its problems, but I gave 5 stars ultimately because my high expectations were met
Came from Australia. Bachelor of Actuarial Studies / Bachelor of Finance. 2 years work experience at an actuarial consultancy, 2 internships at banks in market risk and credit risk. Qualified actuary
Did you get admitted to other programs?
Yes. My next choice would have been Columbia MSOR
Why did you choose this program (over others, if applicable)?
- I was dead set on becoming a trader and Chicago is the trading hub of the world. There are so many trading firms in Chicago, as well as elite hedge funds. The banks mainly operate out of New York
- U of C has a competitive advantage for the job market in Chicago. This is HUGE. There are only two nearby schools I can think of that compete; the University of Illinois and Northwestern. U of I is still annoyingly far away, and as far as I know Northwestern doesn't have a relevant masters program
- Massive brand name. The ranking system that people seem to care about most over here is the USNews one, where U of C is right up there. You'll get interviews in any city. Companies love this school in general
- The actual beauty of the school. Whether it's the amazing libraries, lecture theaters where countless nobel laureates have taught, or the actual MSFM building/house, the school itself is absolutely inspiring. I have to admit, I didn't know U of C was a top school before starting to research graduate programs, but there's no doubt in my mind that it's one of finest academic institutions in the world
- Project Lab (mentioned below)
- The business school. Even though the masters degree is separate, it doesn't hurt to have one of the top business schools on campus. You can try to take courses there (with extra approval). I worked on research in Booth, which was great
- Chicago is beautiful
- The courses are taught by heavyweights in both academics and practice
Application process
Standard process apart from an extra video that you have to provide, answering a couple questions
Course selection
Good range of courses taught on a quarter system (VERY intense). Here are some key points:
- Courses are at night to accommodate for lecturers who work outside of U of C
- One month of refresh courses before the program actually starts. This is a great time to get ready and even start putting in internship applications
- Decent range of electives, including ones on trading directly, machine learning, and time series analysis (taught in Booth). Generally speaking, the core courses are very theoretical and electives are practical
- The options courses are fantastic
- Increasing focus on computer programming. I believe the main language used has been switched to python
- Some very technical mathematics, including stats and calculus courses. These weren't too useful to me, as I wasn't pursuing a pure quant path and had already learned a lot of the material as an undergrad. They were also taught at lightning speed
- Courses on portfolio theory are good. I'm not sure if this is still the case, but both were compulsory; one was on credit risk, which I didn't find useful at all for my career path
- You can test out of some of the programming and an introductory finance course. The introductory finance course I heard was a waste of money
Quality of teaching
Some amazing lecturers and some not-so-amazing lecturers. As I mentioned, there are both academics and practitioners. Being a top school, the academics are very knowledgeable. Being a trading hub, the practitioners are also very knowledgeable (some are current or ex-head quants at top-tier firms). My favourites (in no order) were: Brian Boonstra, Mark Hendricks, Yuri Balasanov, Niels Nygaard, Roger Lee and Chanaka Liyanaarachi
Materials used in the program
A computer and a brain
Notably there is Project Lab, which is a cooperative project between a group of students and a company. This is the MSFM program's trump card. I'm not completely sure on the statistic, but something like 100% of students who apply for Project Lab will end up on a project. The companies are: trading firms (IMC, Belvedere, etc.), hedge funds/asset managers, exchanges and consultancies. I don't believe any banks are in the rotation
Career service
I never really used the MSFM career service apart from our job board, because hustle generally works. Our job board is good. Honestly the careers office seemed a bit small for the number of students and money being hauled in from tuition. This has been restructured since I left though. Outside of the program, there are big career fairs at U of C, as well as companies pencilled in weekly for presentations; these are amazing.
Student body
Very smart students with not a lot of work experience. Not demographically diverse enough in my year; 95% foreign students from Asia. Cheating is treated harshly, which I think is the right way to go. It's an EXTREMELY intense program though, so many resort to cheating. There are a handful of professionals taking the course part time after work
What do you like about the program?
To sum it up, I entered the Financial Mathematics Program at the University of Chicago to learn, AND THEN from that find a job. That's exactly what happened; I learned a boat load, both through the program and on my own... and out of it have come some fruitful years in the US
Suggestions for the program to make it better
- Shave away some of the worse courses or make them electives
- Try to become more diverse without sacrificing student quality
- Beef up the careers services
- Create alumni events in New York ;)
What is your current job status?
Quantitative options trader at a midsize market making firm