Search results

  1. Andy Nguyen

    Baruch MFE Feedback on plan for building profile for Baruch MFE Fall 2026?

    @grxthy I saw that @Kevin Griffin took the same set of courses like you plan (pre-MFE courses, QuantNet C++ courses, etc). He was admitted to Baruch MFE in 2023 according to the bio page. Kevin was literally a NASA engineer. I saw his post about about working at a jet propulsion lab but didn't...
  2. Andy Nguyen

    New Quantnet members say hi

    Yes, I saw this trend too of people in high school asking on reddit/discord about their plan to get into quant finance. I feel old just by reading them. I remember a lot of people in this very thread discovering the MFE programs in their late 20s or early 30s.
  3. Andy Nguyen

    Auto Rejects from T5 school

    Any update? I'm curious to hear what you can share from experience and from your cohort that you can see.
  4. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    The ranking now shows the average/mean undergraduate GPA of admitted students as reported by programs. Keep in mind when you look at the admitted profiles in the Tracker, many GPA is self-reported and self-converted from a non 4.0 scale while the GPA reported by programs may use a different...
  5. Andy Nguyen

    Interviewing Hell for Quant Roles

    You should get a decent shot at some in the top 15 assumed everything else is in order (good GRE Q, all the required math, programming courses).
  6. 2024 Incoming cohort

    2024 Incoming cohort

  7. Class of 2025

    Class of 2025

  8. Class of 2024

    Class of 2024

  9. Andy Nguyen

    UCB MFE UCB MFE placement stats for class 2024 and Internship for class 2025

    I just check and there still no post on 2024 class yet. They posted employment for 2023 class in Sept 2023.
  10. U of Toronto new classroom

    U of Toronto new classroom

  11. Toronto MMF Class of 2025

    Toronto MMF Class of 2025

  12. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    Let the admission cycle for Fall 2025 begin!
  13. Application requirements

    Application requirements

  14. Admission criteria

    Admission criteria

  15. Fall 2024 Class profile

    Fall 2024 Class profile

  16. Tips for applying to CMU MSCF

    Tips for applying to CMU MSCF

  17. CMU MSCF resources

    CMU MSCF resources

  18. Andy Nguyen

    Need advice: GMAT FE Verbal Score

    I'm working on showing the Tracker data pulled from each program to show your chance based on GPA/GRE/etc. It will only show if you add your data to the Tracker.
  19. Andy Nguyen

    SOP and Essay
  20. Andy Nguyen

    SOP and Essay
  21. Andy Nguyen

    Math student future

    Learn C++ and Python really well, do a few quant projects to showcase. With above average math background (math major) and a strong programming skillset (you are smart enough to learn them), you should be able to find a role in the industry.
  22. Andy Nguyen

    NEU (Northeastern) MSQF

    Not quantitative enough. This is more evident by Corporate Finance being a core course. More like a traditional finance degree with a few technical courses added in. Depends on your career goal, this may not be the right program.
  23. Andy Nguyen

    List of quantitative finance master programs with scholarships

    Glad you find the information helpful. I realize we are the only publication that collects and shares this kind of niche data. I post this type of info on LinkedIn for the wider audience so people can follow me on LinkedIn to get posts like this. For members here, they will have access to more...
  24. Andy Nguyen

    Help with path to MFE, pre-MFE at Baruch

    You just discover MFE degree and it appears you are missing a few requirements. Most people here will leave about a year or more to prepare. You can take the calculus courses at your local community college and take the C++ course here. It seems daunting but you are not alone. You will get...
  25. Andy Nguyen

    I have a high GPA but my Probability class is killing me this semester...what do I do? Do I Pass/Fail?

    Pain is good. You will see this stochastic probability again when you start your MFE and I can tell you it will be harder. A lot of people got a big shock with it (myself included). You will be dealing with it while preparing for interviews, taking other courses and being overloaded with tasks...
  26. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Admission Discussion

    Application deadline for Fall 2025 is Dec 15, 2024 and decisions should roll out around March 2025. Welcome @kombuchalover @feelthegnar @Shuaiii to the first group of our members who applied. Best of luck, guys and keep the updates coming.
  27. Andy Nguyen

    166 Quant GRE - What to do

    This discussion is a good example why many programs move away from GRE. Relying on the GRE to filter applicants is very convenient but top programs know they will miss good candidates. Baruch MFE has their own QBA test. Other programs have their own criteria or waive the GRE. GPA and how you...
  28. Andy Nguyen

    166 Quant GRE - What to do

    GaTech has some recorded Q/A where they address the GRE Verbal question.
  29. Andy Nguyen

    The tracker popped off a hundred results...

  30. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation Spring 2025

    Saw this posted by a member here on another channel.
  31. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation Spring 2025

    If you apply to more programs in the fall and get a better GRE Q, you increase your chance a lot. Some programs have an explicit GPA cut off north of 3.0. I'm going to be frank and say that your only edge is being a domestic student. For a lack of better words, some programs may accept you as a...
  32. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation Spring 2025

    Couple of questions. Are you US citizen/resident? Why Spring 2025? Cal MFE is UC Berkeley MFE? Are you sure NCSU and Stony Brook have spring enrollment? If so, links? If you must enroll in the Spring, it limits your option to a handful of programs. With your current GPA/GRE Q, your options and...
  33. Andy Nguyen

    What projects to do that will ensure me an internship as a quant

    1. Statistical Arbitrage Trading Strategy Development Develop a pairs trading or statistical arbitrage model to detect price inefficiencies between correlated assets. Use time-series analysis techniques like cointegration and mean reversion to generate signals, backtest them on historical data...
  34. Baruch MFE’s Team Wins First Place in 2017 Rotman International Trading Competition

    Baruch MFE’s Team Wins First Place in 2017 Rotman International Trading Competition

  35. Baruch MFE’s Team Wins First Place in 2016 Rotman International Trading Competition

    Baruch MFE’s Team Wins First Place in 2016 Rotman International Trading Competition

  36. Baruch MFE Wins First Place in the 2020 Rotman International Trading Competition

    Baruch MFE Wins First Place in the 2020 Rotman International Trading Competition

  37. Baruch MFE Wins First Place in the 2023 Rotman International Trading Competition

    Baruch MFE Wins First Place in the 2023 Rotman International Trading Competition

  38. Baruch MFE Wins First, Second, and Fourth Place in the 2022 Rotman International Trading Competition

    Baruch MFE Wins First, Second, and Fourth Place in the 2022 Rotman International Trading Competition

  39. Baruch MFE trophies from Rotman Trading Competition

    Baruch MFE trophies from Rotman Trading Competition

  40. Baruch MFE students in the classroom

    Baruch MFE students in the classroom

  41. Baruch-college.webp


  42. Baruch-MFE-library.webp


  43. Bloomberg-terminal-students.webp


  44. Baruch MFE student solving math problems.

    Baruch MFE student solving math problems.

  45. Baruch students in their quant lab

    Baruch students in their quant lab

  46. Homework session

    Homework session

  47. 1725719313151.webp


    Class of 2025
  48. University of Chicago Master of Science in Financial Mathematics

    University of Chicago Master of Science in Financial Mathematics

    Photo album for the program with pictures from public sources
  49. 1725719313066.webp


    Class of 2025
  50. Andy Nguyen

    [Open Source] STOC'D: Stochastic Trade Optimization for Credit Derivatives – Looking for Reviewers & Contributors

    @rreptarr Please add this here too for better exposure
  51. Andy Nguyen

    List of quantitative finance master programs with scholarships

    Not true. They give scholarships to 25% of every cohort based on merits. US students are eligible for other public and private scholarships.
  52. Andy Nguyen

    List of quantitative finance master programs with scholarships

    If you're applying to quantitative master’s programs in the US, here's an exclusive list of programs that offer scholarships along with their award amounts. This list is based on the Tracker data. Don't miss out on this valuable resource! Carnegie Mellon University - MS in Computational...
  53. Andy Nguyen

    Transitioning from Quant Analyst to Quant Developer - is an IT role a good step?

    As long as the new role give you opportunities to increase responsibility and skill set, it is a good move toward the quant dev role. Quant dev will require skills in various aspects, many involving IT tasks such as database, cloud servers, UI.
  54. Andy Nguyen

    Seeking Advice: Career Transition into Quantitative Finance

    Hi Harvey, Do you know there are many quant graduates work in Oil and Gas? I know many Quantnet members working in Houston. If you want to use your experience in OG and work in the same field later on, it is something to keep in mind. There are many trading firms that are little known but...
  55. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation

    Take measure theory based probability, real analysis. Stochastic calculus is the course most MFE students have a tough time with and you don't want to struggle with the HW while dealing with internship search. Also, broaden your list to more programs from our rankings. Those programs above have...
  56. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation MFE 2025 Fall

    Take a look at the video on the program's page. It has some useful info and admission tips.
  57. Andy Nguyen

    Need advice: GMAT FE Verbal Score

    The verbal score may or may not be affect the overall application. It depends on other factors of your application. Are you an English speaker? Did you get your bachelor in the US?
  58. Andy Nguyen

    Any tips on the MFE program interview at NTU Singapore?

    Asian MFE programs are not that well discussed so they have fewer resources for applicants. Let us know if you have any question.
  59. Andy Nguyen

    Where should Imperial rank among these US colleges?

    It would be tough to compare UK vs US programs directly. This comes down to where you see yourself working and living for the next 5-10 years. The way I see it, US programs have massive edge on the location and number of job opportunities, specially quantitative finance jobs. You can have a back...
  60. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation for MFE 2025

    If you can afford to wait another year to beef up your profile, it will give you better chance to get into top programs. Do not waste time with CFA. It's not something as relevant to quant programs as they were many years ago. Have a good plan with the extra time to tackle important topics. Use...
  61. Andy Nguyen

    UCB MFE UCB MFE director search

    Fiona is no longer with the UCB MFE program.
  62. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    The 2025 ranking process is underway. We aim to release it in November. New program is making a debut this year. Very excited about the growth of our ranking which has 4.2 million views and been #1 visited page on Quantnet for years.
  63. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation - Fall 2025

    Risk management is a good growth segment with more jobs opportunities. I'm curious in your thought process in short listing those programs. It may be better to expand the list more to include NCSU which traditionally place into risk management jobs in regional banks. How is your programming...
  64. Andy Nguyen

    A tragedy

    Yes, best to confirm with each program admission team. In this field, GRE Q is important but it's not an be all end all signal. They will look at your profile holistically and will not ding you for GRE Q 167 instead of 170. At the end of the day, you will end up in only one program and make sure...
  65. Andy Nguyen

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    I added a bunch of new questions in the first post of this thread. Enjoy!
  66. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation for MFE 2025

    Quant Researcher roles are tough to crack right out of school. You are competing with PhDs. It may be attainable after a few years of relevant experience. There are plenty of different roles for MFE graduates that people with your background can apply. I know you will get 0% chance if you don't...
  67. Andy Nguyen

    Why do MFE/MFin/MSFM/MSCF programs care about other programs you've applied to?

    And here you are, naively think the adcoms will want to know about your other applications and deadlines so they can accommodate you. 😀 The more competitive it gets, the more acceptable and yield play a larger role.
  68. Andy Nguyen

    Why do MFE/MFin/MSFM/MSCF programs care about other programs you've applied to?

    No. It shouldn’t make a negative impact on your application.
  69. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSPM (Tepper+School of CS) VS Columbia MS Applied Analytics (SPS)

    What kind of roles you target out of these programs? They are new-ish type of programs so no established track record of placement, correct? Are you expecting any kind of career service from these?
  70. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation for MFE 2025

    You shared your background but not goals so impossible to know which may align with your goals. You deliberately avoid Baruch and Princeton so it's safe to assume you don't believe you will get in those programs?
  71. Andy Nguyen

    Why do MFE/MFin/MSFM/MSCF programs care about other programs you've applied to?

    If it's not a mandatory question, leave it blank.
  72. Andy Nguyen

    A tragedy

    All other programs allow best score in each section.
  73. Andy Nguyen

    Aerospace to Quant analyst/dev

    Just type aero in the search bar, you will find that we have many members who have transitioned into this space. One of the long-time members @Uncle Max had an aerospace engineering degree, got his MFE from Baruch and has worked in finance space ever since. I know him.
  74. Andy Nguyen

    First Q/KDB+ Project

    Look at this as your Hello World project. Everyone has to start somewhere and you need this to get to a more advanced projects. I would suggest that you post your projects here and link to your github. It's easier for discovery and I can help promote it on LinkedIn for a better reach...
  75. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation for MFE Fall 2025

    I don't think you are ambitious enough. Apply to a few more top ranked programs, even Baruch. You did a few of they pre-MFE courses and did really well so they have some good idea of how you will perform if admitted. Goodluck.
  76. Andy Nguyen

    A tragedy

    If it makes you feel better, retake it. You can report the highest score on each section from these tests. GRE is a small part of your application so weight the pros and cons.
  77. Andy Nguyen

    Summer 2025 Quant Internship Thread

    Added 10/3/24 Tower Research: Quant Trader Intern PhD, NYC. JPMorganChase: 2025 Quantitative Analytics Summer Associate Program Bank of America: Global Markets Sales & Trading Summer Associate Program - 2025
  78. Andy Nguyen

    A tragedy

    There are many ways you can ask the programs about this without emailing: during virtual information sessions, or DM them here. We have representatives from many programs here. Don't be afraid, they love questions like this from applicants.
  79. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation for MSFE US and Europe (Fall '24)

    Depends on the program. Some may not require it, and you have to take it if you apply to some that require GRE.
  80. Andy Nguyen

    Summer 2025 Quant Internship Thread

    Added 10/2/24 Susquehanna: Quantitative Trading Discovery Day: 2025 UBS: 2025 Sophomore Internship Program - Global Markets - New York Piper Sandler: 2025 Summer Internship Program - Equity Sales & Trading
  81. Andy Nguyen

    Seeking for advice to enhance acceptance.

    GRE is a basic filter that will not signal or improve your profile. You are expected to do well on it, especially the quantitative part. If English is not your native language or you did not get your degree from an English-speaking institution, then you need to show adequate scores on TOEFL, GRE...
  82. Andy Nguyen

    Feedback about Quantitative Finance and Risk Management program at the University of Michigan

    This is the program you refer to It was unranked in a few times it participated in the QuantNet rankings (2021, 2020) due to lack of data. Its acceptance rate is about 35-40%.
  83. Andy Nguyen

    MFE Profile Review

    Good advices above already so I just want to mention the TOEFL. Try to get 110+ on TOEFL when you retake them. It will satisfy English proficiency since you did not get a bachelor from English-speaking institution. This is important because many quant programs do not interview personally and...
  84. Andy Nguyen

    How to get your dream quant internship?

    This may be helpful to members who are currently looking for internships. Joy Pathak is a certified hustler and his true game is networking, networking.
  85. Andy Nguyen

    Baruch MFE The 2024-2025 Pre-MFE Program at Baruch College

    I found some recent reviews of the pre-MFE course from people on LinkedIn.
  86. Andy Nguyen

    Investment banking is different from quantitative finance that many of our members aim for. You...

    Investment banking is different from quantitative finance that many of our members aim for. You dont need a quant degree. You need to graduate from a target school.
  87. Andy Nguyen

    Career between compliance and risk management

    Mine is one of many contributors here that you can ask question. Definitely use the search bar and go through many discussion. You will find many many useful bit of advice.
  88. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation for MSFE US and Europe (Fall '24)

    Some programs will filter out at 165 Q.
  89. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Cambridge Mfin vs Columbia MFE

    Regardless of which program, for your own survival in the job market, please build up a strong programming skill. Aversion to programming is seen as a huge red flag by many employers in this industry. If you are not interested in building complex models using C++, at least learn and be really...
  90. Andy Nguyen

    Career between compliance and risk management

    Risk management is a growing segment in finance where your quant degree may be relevant. I would say jobs are plentiful and easier to obtain. Good work life balance. Employers include insurance companies, fintech, etc. Many quant programs specialize in risk management. Follow @Ken Abbott for...
  91. Andy Nguyen

    Summer 2025 Quant Internship Thread

    Added 9/27/24 Societe Generale - 2025 Masters of Financial Engineering - Global Markets Summer Associate Program - New York. This is an interesting posting as I have never seen any company using this exact name Master of Financial Engineering :) PIMCO - Summer 2025 Intern - Trading Analyst...
  92. Andy Nguyen

    MFE Profile Evaluation MFE / MFIN

    If you want my honest opinion, you need to strengthen your programming skill to get into these top programs. Take the C++ course here or at your local college. One Python course is nowhere near enough. Many of the internship positions these days will use online assessment coding test to filter...
  93. Andy Nguyen

    MFE Profile Evaluation MFE / MFIN

    I would be more confident if you plan for Fall 2026 given the time needed to really prepare for interview from day 1. Remember that Fall 2025 means you should be applying now and for the next few months. Once you start program next Aug, you need to apply for internship on day 1. This may should...
  94. Andy Nguyen

    MFE Profile Evaluation MFE / MFIN

    @staringfungus, meet @grxthy First class honour is rougly 3.8-4.0 in the US scale. You need some serious prep in order to get into those programs but @grxthy has pretty detailed plan. If you are planning for Fall 2026 cycle like he does, then I think this is doable. Aim for all those programs...
  95. Andy Nguyen

    How to verify your QuantNet account

    If you have a verified LinkedIn account and like to get a verified badge here please request per the instructions above. We have many new members coming from LinkedIn so please connect with me and follow QuantNet page. Follow me on LinkedIn
  96. Andy Nguyen

    Manchester Quant Finance

    Hey Nick, I created this page for you and your program. Let's help us update it as much as you can,
  97. Andy Nguyen

    WorldQuant University - MSc in Financial Engineering

    Designed by industry experts, WorldQuant University’s accredited Program integrates mathematical, statistical, and computer science tools with finance theory and professional business skills in a completely online and collaborative setting. Graduates are positioned to excel in today’s highly...
  98. Andy Nguyen

    University of Edinburgh - MSc Computational Mathematical Finance

    If you are studying full-time, you will take 120 credits of courses in total during Semesters 1 and 2, followed by a 60 credit dissertation which you complete over the summer. If you are studying part-time, you will take 60 credits of courses in Year 1 of your programme, followed by 60 credits...
  99. Andy Nguyen

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen - MSc in Financial Engineering

    Programme Overview Launched in 2015 by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHKSZ) in partnership with The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), the Master of Science Programme in Financial Engineering is benchmarked with similar master programmes in financial engineering in...
  100. Andy Nguyen

    The University of Manchester - MSc Quantitative Finance

    MSc Quantitative Finance programme is particularly suitable for students with a degree in Finance, Financial Economics, Actuarial Science, Engineering, and Mathematics, as well as relevant work experience (non-compulsory). It is also suited to those wishing to gain salary enhancements, or...
  101. Andy Nguyen

    A roadmap to Quantitative Researcher position at Verition

    The following advice is from Peter Lind who recently started as a Quant Researcher at Verition in their London location. This is one of the most coveted positions by MFE students. The link to his post on LinkedIn is at the bottom. As you can see, this is something that requires patience...
  102. Andy Nguyen

    Baruch MFE Feedback on plan for building profile for Baruch MFE Fall 2026?

    Did you sign up for the pre-MFE courses yet? They are open.
  103. Andy Nguyen

    2025 MFE Admission Roll Call

    As 2025 admission is open, let's get an early start on our QuantNet annual tradition going here so we can share the programs we applied to, the admits/rejects we received and the program we are ultimately joining. Let's keep the format uniform and discussions on their separate programs threads...
  104. Andy Nguyen

    GaTech QCF GaTech launches Center of Finance and Technology

    GaTech Scheller College of Business has launched the Center for Finance and Technology, a new initiative aimed at developing future finance professionals through hands-on experiences and industry connections. Supported by a significant gift from Mike and Jenny Messner, the Center was introduced...
  105. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation - Fall 2025 MFE

    I have seen many cases where applicants chose Chicago due to their scholarship. Moving up on the ranking certainly doesn't hurt their reputation.
  106. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Math Assessment

    I was wrong again. Or is it two wrongs make a right. The class size for incoming Fall 2024 is 35 despite the picture showing 26. Many people didn't show up for the picture day. This was confirmed by a current student in the program. This is the second largest cohort since record keeping began in...
  107. Andy Nguyen

    Python Option Pricing & Hedging Tool

    Posting this on LinkedIn for wider exposure.
  108. Andy Nguyen

    MFE Profile 2026 Advice/Areas of Improvement

    I like your attitude and approach. You are benefiting from years of mistakes and hindsights made by thousands of people that came before you. Many of us were in your shoes 5, 10 or more years ago. There is no excuse not to take advantage of these data. I see you have a good plan to address some...
  109. Andy Nguyen

    Advice from NYU Courant MathFin graduate

    I have the privilege of connecting with many QuantNet members over the year as they transitioned from a quant student into a practitioner. Many of them generously shared with me their experience using QuantNet to research the programs and the reality of the competitive job market, the skills...
  110. Andy Nguyen

    MFE Profile 2026 Advice/Areas of Improvement

    When I see Fall 2026 in 2024, I automatically like it :) This shows OP does the research earlier and gives himself enough much time to really strengthen the profile and address any weakness. Here is another of our members who are planning for the same set of programs...
  111. Andy Nguyen

    Summer 2025 Quant Internship Thread

    Added 9/23/24 Federal Reserve Board, DC - Quantitative Risk Analysis
  112. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation - Fall 2025 MFE

    This means state/public universities with good programs and not extremely selective. NCSU is a good choice. They have good relationships and alumni network with regional banks. A typical job profile will be a role in risk management with a regional bank in the area. I think it will be a good job...
  113. Andy Nguyen

    Individual Retail Quant

    Yes, there are million of retail traders/investors created during the Covid boom with the help of platform like Robinhood. For a more complex strategies, people don't usually trade solo since the capital and research involved to generate idea, backtest, execute in enormous. There are plenty of...
  114. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Worried Master's Programme is not good enough.

    Let us know how it goes at UCL. It's ranked #3 in the 2024 UK ranking so I think with great effort from your part, you should be able to take advantage of the courses and its alumni network. The job market in the UK is small so it's tougher to compete with the Oxbridge/Imperial graduates.
  115. Andy Nguyen

    Seeking Guidance: Best Colleges for Quant Finance

    In this context, you are only asking for input on the US programs. Select programs that have a proven track record with job placement. Select programs in the geographic locations you like to live and work. Select the programs that place graduates in the job profiles that match your preference...
  116. Andy Nguyen

    Duke MS Quantitative Financial Economics?

    You don't see much because it's already closing down. No longer accept applicants for Fall 2025
  117. Andy Nguyen

    How likely am i to be admitted if I meet/exceed the median requirements of the top programs (gpa, gre, internships)

    It depends on the programs. In general, the weaker your GPA, GRE, scores are, the stronger you need to make your essays. A balanced application is always ideal, no matter how moving your essays are, they will not make up for a lack of math, programming courses or low grades. Let us know which...
  118. Andy Nguyen

    Second master

    From this basic info, the info inferred is that you don't have a strong mathematical background (economics/MSFin) so doing another STEM degree is not going to help. You need to address your math and programming weakness. Are you on a student visa and need to enroll full-time?
  119. Andy Nguyen

    Math major, Math+CS double major, stat minor?

    If you are not planning to do MFE, how are you planning to get a quant trader job out of your undergrad? It seems to me you need to research those roles and see what is the requirements. There are wide range of knowledge required for such roles, it depends on the products, the firm, etc.
  120. Andy Nguyen

    Interviewing Hell for Quant Roles

    My take is that your experience is more common than you realize. You are able to secure many interviews in this market so your profile is good enough to get traction. You can keep applying, interviewing and hope your fortune may turn. It seems like you are not open to continue. A Master program...
  121. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Admission Discussion

    Admission for Fall 2025 admission is open. Anyone applying to Princeton is welcome to post on this master thread to discuss, share their experience.
  122. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Admission Discussion

    2024 incoming class profile 80% are STEM major $400,000+ in scholarship, a 4x increase from 2022 They mention they unexpectedly yielded a class of 40 students.
  123. Andy Nguyen

    Summer 2025 Quant Internship Thread

    Added 9/17/24 State Street Internship Interactive Brokers Jump Trading: QR in Hongkong
  124. Andy Nguyen

    Is it necassary to have a high CGPA in order to apply for masters in the US

    If all your core math courses are A then you may have a chance. Retaking the courses with low grades is another option. There are some programs with high acceptable rate you can get in but I wouldn’t recommend. If I were you I would remake my profile, spend another year to address any weakness...
  125. Andy Nguyen

    New Quantnet members say hi

    It would be really great if we can keep this tradition going where new members introduce themselves in this thread. This allows more opportunities to get to know each other and build a professional network. Tell us about you, how you end up here and your plan.
  126. Andy Nguyen

    Understanding the industry and it's many moving parts.

    This is an interesting point, probably true. I haven't seen any active channel from people currently working in trading or any other roles.
  127. Andy Nguyen

    Is an insurance underwriter internship relevant to applying for an MFE?

    I would argue this is your advantage over applicants who have no internships, no?
  128. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation MSFE 2025 fall (pre-application)

    All your goals are doable, timeline is hard to know. To me, it seems you know what you want and the most important task is to find out which programs provide the needed support. Do your homework on this and we may provide input.
  129. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation MSFE 2025 fall (pre-application)

    Your goal is the same as 100,000 others. Let have a discussion to see if we can temper expectation. In my experience career services are very uneven at many programs. Some are nonexistent so you need to investigate this and not rely on some urban legends. If the goal is to have a well paying...
  130. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation MSFE 2025 fall (pre-application)

    Lack some basic info such as your math courses, finance, programming. Did you have C++ or Python courses? Career path, job type short term and long term. Do you need comprehensive career services or you just need the knowledge and degree and can do the rest?
  131. Andy Nguyen

    Summer 2025 Quant Internship Thread

    Added 9/14/24 Barclays Risk analyst summer internship Schonfeld quant research internship Point72 Citadel Millennium AQR Balyasny
  132. Andy Nguyen

    Auto Rejects from T5 school

    Thanks for sharing. This must be pretty frustrating. I'm sure thousands of people are going through the same experience. I heard people applying to 500+ applications with no result. Couple of quick checks: Did you get your resume checked by your career services people? Did you customize your...
  133. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation - Fall 2025 MFE

    Would be good to share your criteria on picking those programs (tuition, location, job prospect, etc?) so members can advice.
  134. Andy Nguyen

    Advices for an atypical profile looking for MFEs

    EU is clearly more affordable. Its programs are shorter (1 year vs 1.5 years in the US). There are some that are effectively free if you can get in like UZH ETH. The issue I see with many EU programs for applicants is that they have multiple programs from the same university, making it very...
  135. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation - Fall 2025 MFE

    Which programs are you planning to apply?
  136. Andy Nguyen

    Advices for an atypical profile looking for MFEs

    I would start with where you want to do your master, Europe or US. They have unique flavors, culture and requirements. Imagine where you want to live and work 5 or 10 years from now. There are plenty of financial economics programs where there is a strong blend of finance and quant. Columbia...
  137. Andy Nguyen

    Stony Brook MS Quantitative Finance (QF) Program

    This is pretty good take @jarryds. Very valuable information for anyone interested in what SB has to offer. This reinforces my emphasis to prospective students over the year is to research, research, research the programs before they apply or join so there is no costly surprises when it's too...
  138. Andy Nguyen

    Summer 2025 Quant Internship Thread

    Added 9/12/24: Equinor: Commodity trading internship
  139. Andy Nguyen

    The truth about working at Citadel

    Yes, it gets too much attention I guess.
  140. Andy Nguyen

    The truth about working at Citadel

    A post by a young quantitative researcher. He made his million after 2 years, quit and has been on anti depression medication for the last 4. He touched on various aspects of what it's like working there. Pretty interesting read.
  141. Andy Nguyen

    The Coming Glut of Financial Engineers

    It's coming in the 2025 ranking.
  142. Andy Nguyen

    Breaking into quant trading with my unconventional background?

    This is a niche industry and sometimes all you need is the right piece of clue.
  143. Andy Nguyen

    Breaking into quant trading with my unconventional background?

    You may find this reading informative.
  144. Andy Nguyen

    Summer 2025 Quant Internship Thread

    Added 9/10/24: Verition Fund Management Databricks: software engineering Citizens Bank: Sales and Trading and Equity Research Analyst TD Bank: Quantitative Associate Rotation
  145. Andy Nguyen

    Advise on MFE programs in the Netherlands

    I have a feeling that many MSc programs in Europe focus on academic, highly theoretical, rigorous. Many students go on to PhD. They don't focus on career services, if any. The US programs are more practical, having many practitioners teaching in the program. They tailor the curriculum based on...
  146. Andy Nguyen

    The Coming Glut of Financial Engineers

    It is as relevant today as in 2010 when you wrote it. Can't believe this much time has passed.
  147. Andy Nguyen

    Book suggestion for beginner
  148. Andy Nguyen

    Breaking into quant trading with my unconventional background?

    Yes. There are finance firms that expands into crypto. That is the most logical path in my opinion. Big firms have very rigid recruitment structure so small firms that have few hundreds employees or less is more flexible to untraditional applicants.
  149. Andy Nguyen

    Breaking into quant trading with my unconventional background?

    Your options is to network with folks in similar space or apply at a small firm as an experienced hire. Fact is there are lot of retail traders especially in the crypto space and unless they make a big splash in the news, it's really really hard to play the crypto game to the big league. Folks...
  150. Andy Nguyen

    New book - A Linear Algebra Primer for Financial Engineering - Dan Stefanica

    Amazon India?
  151. Andy Nguyen

    Career Advice

    Those programs are not very quantitative. They are from business school and have a flexible curriculum so I guess you would approach these programs different than you do Baruch, CMU, Chicago, etc.
  152. Andy Nguyen

    C++ techniques for $600K high frequency trading jobs

    Per the author's paper: Prefetching Prefetching is a technique used by computer processors to boost execution performance by fetching data and instructions from the main memory to the cache before it is actually needed for execution [22, 59]. It anticipates the data needed ahead of time, and...
  153. Andy Nguyen

    Career Advice

    Programming seems light. Maybe bolster it with C++. Your main objective would be to identify the programs that aligns with your long term career goal. It in itself requires thorough research. Some programs will get you a job but not a career so pay extra attention in this step.
  154. Andy Nguyen

    Stony Brook MS Quantitative Finance (QF) Program

    @jarryds @OldFinaceMan Your thoughts on this? We have very few students in the Stony Brook program, much less review so any piece of information whether true or not can be the only data people have to judge a program.
  155. Andy Nguyen

    Summer 2025 Quant Internship Thread

    Added 9/9/24: Quantitative Trader Intern from Tower Research Capital Quant Systematic Trader from Susquehanna International Group Wells Fargo Graduates program. Of interest to our audience is the Quantitative Analytics and Advanced Data and Analytics Program Ultramarin: Internship in Berlin...
  156. Andy Nguyen

    C++ techniques for $600K high frequency trading jobs

    Jobs involving C++ programming for high-frequency trading (HFT) firms and hedge funds can be highly lucrative. Recruiters estimate that total compensation, including salary and bonus, for these positions can reach over $600k, a figure that remains relevant today. However, simply being proficient...
  157. Andy Nguyen

    Financial Engineering Education as Gateway for a Quantitative Finance Career: Efficient Ways to Set Up a Successful Career

    This is a gold mine of advice from @dstefan, director of Baruch MFE program, the #1 ranked program in the US. Many excellent advice on preparing for MFE study and how to plan for a job toward a long successful career.
  158. Andy Nguyen

    Baruch MFE How to Improve My Chances of Getting into the MFE Program at Baruch College

    Per his comment above, I would suspect this is a small item you put in the positive column. Unlikely to be affect decision much but doesn’t hurt to have. If given a choice between FSA, I would spend more effort on other area such as programming and math courses.
  159. Andy Nguyen

    Summer 2025 Quant Internship Thread

    Added: Optiver Quant Trader Internship
  160. Andy Nguyen

    What should I do if my end goal is Portfolio management?

    There is no standard path to get there. I think the best way is to use LinkedIn to find profiles with this job type and look at their education and employment to get an idea. Also, look for job listing to see what education and job experience they require. The employers dictate what...
  161. Andy Nguyen

    What should I do if my end goal is Portfolio management?

    Sounds like you target a buy-side job in an asset management firm or the like. These are very competitive to get into. Getting some work experience before joining a master program will be beneficial. It makes your profile stronger for top program. That said it will take lot of relevant...
  162. Andy Nguyen

    What just happened to the tracker?

    The new Tracker will make use of many infographics like this.
  163. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE UCB MFE vs. Princeton MFin vs. CMU MSCF w scholarship

    Do we have a 5 years report yet? How is our CMU vs Princeton bet doing?
  164. Andy Nguyen

    What just happened to the tracker?

    This should be updated now, right?
  165. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    I know everyone is joining a program at this point but I'm curious to know what happened to those with the Pending status as of August? Did their status change to something else or we are still hanging as people are applying for Fall 2025?
  166. Andy Nguyen

    Summer 2025 Quant Internship Thread

    Added JPM Quantitative Finance internship link. Credit: @markbogorad You can apply to max 3 positions to pick your most appropriate roles.
  167. Andy Nguyen

    Summer 2025 Quant Internship Thread

    I am going to use this post to list any 2025 internship openings to our members. If you come across any relevant positions, please let me know and I will add to the list. Happy hunting everyone...
  168. Andy Nguyen

    Do’s and Don’ts of MFE Applications

    Bumping this up for new crop of applicants. I worked with Bill a long time ago when I helped screen the applicants to the NYU Courant Math Finance program. His advice is to the point and applicable to all programs.
  169. Andy Nguyen

    Do these courses hold any value in admission process?

    From a cost perspective, these free online courses are a bargain. You can't beat getting knowledge from such famous institutions. In reality, its utility is as good as reading a book. There is no barrier of entry, no rigorous exam and so many people have these skills/certificates these days. It...
  170. Andy Nguyen

    How many internships would you say I need to be a qualified candidate for MFE?

    You don't need an internship to apply to MFE programs but having one, a relevant one is better, would be an edge for admission to competitive programs. It signals that you can handle the interview process successfully.
  171. Andy Nguyen

    Are MFE programs classified as STEM

    All MFE programs are STEM. Many Master in Finance programs in Business schools are now STEM designated as well. The reason is that they need to be designated to attract international students.
  172. Andy Nguyen

    Quant dev career advice

    I would try to focus on your programming skills, do some quant projects as portfolio. Research on the topics relevant to the industry. Then find a job before doing a master program. Try to get a few interviews under your belt so you know what to expect. Quant dev is just developers who work for...
  173. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation for Quant Program 2025

    I would retake the GRE and get a 170 Q. 169-170 Q is pretty much expected to be competitive for the top programs.
  174. Andy Nguyen

    What just happened to the tracker?

    Each program will now have an Application tab where it shows applications from the Tracker to that program. Eventually, we will show up a chart up there with all the crucial stats, GPA, GRE and where each one performs...
  175. Andy Nguyen

    What just happened to the tracker?

    We just imported the Tracker applications into a new system. Those old pending applications that were not updated after a year will be automatically assigned to Rejected. The timestamp is of the time of import. I'll update the timestamps to show the 2024 applications first.
  176. Andy Nguyen

    Baruch MFE Feedback on plan for building profile for Baruch MFE Fall 2026?

    Pretty solid plan for Fall 2026. I like that you leave enough time to properly learn and prepare. This is the exact plan that I would do. Get distinction on all of your pre-MFE courses and Bob's your uncle. Don't forget the QBA.
  177. Andy Nguyen

    Are MFE programs only for rich kids?

    This is the tuition cost curves of the top 15 MFE programs. We track tuition data over the 10+ years. Some programs raise tuition cost 5% every year. It's fair to say many students won't get a good ROI. A lot of people coming into the degrees because they saw on Tiktok, Youtube, IG where some...
  178. Andy Nguyen

    Are MFE programs only for rich kids?

    This discussion is still relevant today as it was a decade ago. We have a surge of interest in quant finance industry from students whose household income is lower and $100K for tuition is a fortune. This causes a big dilemma of how to afford an MFE degree to then get a $150K/year jobs. The...
  179. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation for MFE 2025

    Take the cost into consideration as well. Let say you get into all top 10 programs, are you comfortable paying $120K tuition for Princeton and MIT on top of living expense? There is a huge cost difference between them and the other programs. If you are from India, the financial consideration is...
  180. Andy Nguyen

    Resume Review for MFE Applications for the 2024 cycle

    It would be a big loss for the community if you haven't share these amazing result on the Tracker. Also be sure to let us know which program you joined.
  181. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation - Fall 2025 MFE

    Take as much time as you need for the ID target programs phase :)
  182. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation - Fall 2025 MFE

    Your competitive edge is that you guys are working, building up on your experience. This means you can take as much time as you need to complete any missing requirement (math/finance/programming) before applying. This will make you much stronger than other applicants who apply out of undergrad.
  183. Andy Nguyen

    How important are career services in MFE/MFin programs?

    There are several assumptions being made here. It would be beneficial to point out that career services are uneven. Some are like having a white glove service, others are more like assembly line with no personalized services. Career services people come and go which cause great disruption. Some...
  184. Andy Nguyen

    How to prepare for Financial Engineering programs, Part 1

    This may be useful for new members who want to get a rough idea of how to plan their preparation.
  185. Andy Nguyen

    Chances of MFin application

    Welcome to QuantNet. You will need to meet all the requirements for the programs you are interested in, mainly math. It may not something that you can fill quickly. In any case, if you have met all the requirements, go ahead and apply to the top 10 programs. Being an Aussie would be an asset for...
  186. Andy Nguyen

    Should I get a MFE or not?

    There is zero chance you get a job in the US without going school here. It's the world's financial center for a reason. This means you will be one among a couple of thousands quant students looking for jobs. Pay will be high. Competition is pierce. Welcome to QuantNet, the first step on your...
  187. Andy Nguyen

    Quant projects

    Good timing. We are opening a section for our members to put up their quant projects to share with other members. This is a great place to start.
  188. Andy Nguyen

    My chances of getting into a mfe program in US, UK

    It has the lowest acceptance rate but don't let that discourage you. As long as you meet all the requirement, they will consider and interview you. With the right preparation, you can make it there. They have no fixed class size and will admit anyone who is qualified. A lot of applicants make...
  189. Andy Nguyen

    My chances of getting into a mfe program in US, UK

    Sounds good. Add Baruch MFE to your list. You may have a good shot there.
  190. Andy Nguyen

    My chances of getting into a mfe program in US, UK

    Welcome to QuantNet @Abdo Yes, you will get admitted into many programs in the US/UK. Depends on your list of top programs, you may have to address any missing requirement. Your math background seems rigorous enough. You may need to take a C++ or Python course to strengthen your profile for...
  191. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM (27k) vs Yale AM (30k) vs NYU MSMF

    Didn't see this until now. Where do you end up?
  192. Andy Nguyen

    The case of disappearing MFE programs

    When you are outside of a large financial center or without a robust career support, the chance of survival is slim. The list of these programs is an example of that. I think many large business school would move in and fill the space. I have been wrong before (many times) but we will see.
  193. Andy Nguyen

    The case of disappearing MFE programs

    Same fate. Worcester Polytechnic Institute Master of Science in Financial Mathematics
  194. Andy Nguyen

    The case of disappearing MFE programs

    Looks like the New Jersey Institute of Technology MS in Mathematical and Computational Finance program disappeared. MS Program in Mathematical and Computational Finance
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