Search results

  1. Andy Nguyen

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    We still have a dozen people with Pending status in this year cycle according to the Tracker. Let's go and get those Pending turn into Accepted :)
  2. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Oxford MCF VS Oxford MMath Stats VS Imperial Math Fin VS LSE Fin and similar courses

    The first step to do the UK ranking will be underway soon. If everything goes according to plan, we will release our first ever UK ranking in March. Even after doing the US MFE rankings for the past 15 years, it's still exciting to step into the unknown. Hopefully, QuantNet will be a central...
  3. Andy Nguyen

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    That's interesting. Data Analytics is one of several concentrations offered by the Cornell ORIE. It sounds very similar to what Columbia used to offer their MFE applicants the option to do MSOR degree. Let's us know what you decide.
  4. Andy Nguyen

    UCB MFE UCB MFE director search

    The program's executive director Jacob Gallice @jacobgallice has moved to another role at UCB. The program is currently searching for a new executive director.
  5. Andy Nguyen

    Welcome back! It's been a while :)

    Welcome back! It's been a while :)
  6. Andy Nguyen

    UChicago MSFM vs NYU MFE vs UCLA MFE

    You didn’t add your timelines in the Tracker so it is hard to comment without your profile. Do you receive any scholarship from either program?
  7. Andy Nguyen

    UCLA MFE UCLA MFE Admission Results

    You must not have added anything in our Tracker. Everyone who used our Tracker has at least one admit, mostly more than one. Maybe superstitious but what our data shows. Now that you have one admit under the belt, may the rest go as planned. Happy New Year to all our Asian members.
  8. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    Looks like we have a lot of Alpha and Maroon award recipients among ourselves here :)
  9. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    Congrats and put it in the Tracker too.
  10. Andy Nguyen

    QuantNet Ranking Q&A

    I'm going to address the first part. While there are dozens of MFE programs in the US, we only rank the top programs. The list of these programs may vary over the years because our inclusion criteria gets more stringent over years. As you rightly pointed out, UNCC and SB (among others) are not...
  11. Andy Nguyen

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    Some programs have a rolling admission process where first in first out. Others will wait to review all completed applications together. They should explain to you their process during one of those admission Q/A zoom.
  12. Andy Nguyen

    Chicago MSFM Chicago MSFM Admission Discussion

    Congrats. 30% scholarship is big.
  13. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion
  14. Andy Nguyen

    UIUC admission status update

    Sounds like an admit. Basically the decision is made by the program but the rest of the admission process is done by the graduate college admission office who will release the decision.
  15. Andy Nguyen

    UIUC admission status update

    UIUC MFE program?[program_resource_id]=24
  16. Andy Nguyen

    What is step 1.0 for me?

    It takes 2 years to plan properly for MFE application. You are 26, while above average age for most incoming classes, are not outside of the spectrum. Your task would be to fill the math/programming courses efficiently. You may take courses at local colleges in the evening while working. Build...
  17. Andy Nguyen

    Imperial, Oxford, LSE 2024 applications

    Congrats @kznil Would be great if you can share your timeline on the Tracker. We need to get more cases for UK programs. Do you receive any scholarship from Imperial? I would contact Oxford right away that you have a deadline to respond to Imperial. They may be able to accommodate. It doesn't...
  18. Andy Nguyen

    List of UK Financial Engineering Programs

    This has been renamed MSc Financial Analytics last year.
  19. Andy Nguyen

    Steven Institute Technology - BS in Quantitative Finance

    This is a very specialized track. Are you sure you don't want to do more traditional STEM degree to explore more options later on? Things may change a few years down the road and being too specialized early on may be disadvantageous.
  20. Andy Nguyen

    List of UK Financial Engineering Programs

    It has now been replaced with the Quantitative Finance with Data Science program. This new program took the first incoming students in Oct 2023 and will have first graduates in Oct 2024. There are still legacy Mathematical Finance students there but the focus is in the new QFDS program. I'm...
  21. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MSFE Columbia MSFE (Financial Economics) Admission Discussion

    Just to clarify, this is Financial Economics program under Columbia Business School, not the other Columbia MFE program.
  22. Andy Nguyen

    List of UK Financial Engineering Programs

    Queen's University Belfast Quantitative Finance MSc programme seems to disappear as well.
  23. Andy Nguyen

    List of UK Financial Engineering Programs

    Looks like the Birkbeck Mathematical Finance program is gone.
  24. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    Can you add his timelines for programs he applied to on our Tracker?
  25. Andy Nguyen

    Disappointed with MFE grad salaries

    I would point this out that the data you see is not always as accurate as it should be. The placement data is voluntary and not everyone student reported their salary and not every program collects the data. What you end up is a small sample of data when it is presented in the best light...
  26. Andy Nguyen

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    If you look at the Tracker, filter by Columbia MFE, result Accepted and filter by Interview date descending, it shows that applications back in 2021 had interviews. No interviews since then. There are lot of useful information to be mined from the Tracker data.
  27. Andy Nguyen

    Poll: QuantNet ranking layout mockup

    A sneakpeek of our new ranking layout.
  28. Andy Nguyen

    Disappointed with MFE grad salaries

    Good discussion @amateur-quant. I think you are right to have a different expectation compared to those coming from MFE programs directly from undergrad with no work experience. For them anything north of 100K/year is a huge amount of money but for those working as SWE or those familiar with...
  29. Andy Nguyen

    Masters with no math background?

    Good planning for a master programs take two years since getting into a top program and getting into a so-so program will be a difference of hundred of thousands of dollars in potential earning over your lifetime. Take some math courses at local colleges at night or online while you are working...
  30. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission Discussion

    @ves @Chevis Congrats on the interviews. If you feel generous, please share your interview date, info and your timeline on our Tracker. That would be much appreciated by all the applicants.
  31. Andy Nguyen

    Oxford/Cambridge undergrad Econ -> Berkeley MFE: possible?

    The top ranked Baruch MFE has pre-MFE courses you should consider. Coming from a non quantitative background, it would be good to load up on these relevant courses to make sure you are on par with applicants with STEM background.
  32. Andy Nguyen

    Oxford/Cambridge undergrad Econ -> Berkeley MFE: possible?

    Not specific to UCB MFE program but if any program is offering you admission, it will be conditional on you complete a range of math/programming/finance courses. Are you open to the option of target the 2025 cycle and strengthen your background? Take QuantNet C++ course, Options course and some...
  33. Andy Nguyen

    List of UK Financial Engineering Programs

    We are very early in the planning stage for such a huge undertaking so it will take some time before any data is available. It will be exciting to see how the final ranking takes shape.
  34. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Oxford MCF VS Oxford MMath Stats VS Imperial Math Fin VS LSE Fin and similar courses

    I've seen many mentions of Cambridge Part III when I asked about master quant programs in UK. From what I can see, it's a purely mathematical course which does not provide any quant-related courses. Is its reputation as a rigorous math course enough of the requirement for their graduates to...
  35. Andy Nguyen

    GaTech QCF Georgia Tech QCF Admission Discussion

    Congrats and please update the Tracker. Any scholarships?
  36. Andy Nguyen

    Sudden increase in the number of applicants to MFE programs

    The demand for skilled labor is much higher than the supply right now as economic data released today shown. It has been pretty resilient, despite predictions from many economists that we will be for a long time now. The perception of a recession may play a part in the increasing number of MFE...
  37. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Admission Discussion

    They stated that they will increase the size of the program. There is a discussion here recently. My guess is close to 50 so you have the same chance.
  38. Andy Nguyen

    The tracker popped off a hundred results...

    That exactly is the plan, Mike. I know Chicago has scholarships but didn't know the range of aids they offer. I put this up from some info gleamed on their website and some sparse reports here and there...
  39. Andy Nguyen

    The tracker popped off a hundred results...

    Yeah, the objective for me to add those is to find out which programs offer scholarships and how much. They don't seem to publicly share these but these are very important factors for applicants to know.
  40. Andy Nguyen

    The tracker popped off a hundred results...

    You are not the only one who got confused. Turned out there are lot of people who mistakenly entered the date for the decision before the submitted date. For example, submitted Nov 2020, decision Feb 2020 instead of Feb 2021. We have to batch updated them. Also, we added a Financial Aid field so...
  41. Andy Nguyen

    The right path to a Quantitative trader?

    This is a good read by @QuantCoach
  42. Andy Nguyen

    Looking to sharpen my C++ skills, but no interest in MFE

    @Mohammed Abdul You will find this most recent testimonial answers some of your question
  43. Andy Nguyen

    Poll: QuantNet ranking layout mockup

    Looks like the vote is overwhelmingly for option A. If you haven't voted, please do and let me know any suggestion about the layout before we finalize it.
  44. Andy Nguyen

    Guide to becoming a Quant from where I am at currently? (Do I have a chance lol)

    You are in good position to get started here. I'm curious if you are directed here from WSO? Would be good to get some idea on the the roles, the skills. Plenty of reading materials for you to read while you soak up knowledge and prep...
  45. Andy Nguyen

    Billionaire Rentec Founder Simons Backs CUNY With $75 Million The City University of New York (CUNY), the nation’s largest urban public university system, is being given a $75 million donation from the Simons Foundation...
  46. Andy Nguyen

    Two Sigma: A Guide to Large Language Model Abstractions The authors map the landscape of frameworks for abstracting interactions with and between large language models, and suggest two systems of organization for reasoning about the various approaches to, and philosophies...
  47. Andy Nguyen

    Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

    Second this. I just went through the Tracker and filter the listing by results. It appears admits get a quicker result than rejects. On average, it takes 94 days from submission to result.
  48. Andy Nguyen

    Poll: QuantNet ranking layout mockup

    Need your input. We've been working to update the ranking layout which has been the same for the past dozen years. There are 2 layouts here. (A) is with a small image on the right. Simple but with some graphic element to visually differentiate programs a bit. (B) is with a larger image on the...
  49. Andy Nguyen

    Toronto MathFin UofT MMF Students

    We definitely should get more people applying to Toronto program posting their timelines here. I bet there are more but it's hard to know since the Tracker is the only way to know how many people applying and any results. Can you guys post your timelines on the Tracker? Applications
  50. Andy Nguyen

    Looking to sharpen my C++ skills, but no interest in MFE

    And to further answer your question, the course is basically teaching you C++ from the ground up with one last level where you see how they all come together and be applied in finance. It does not require any heavy math background or finance background. You are provided all the ingredients to...
  51. Andy Nguyen

    Looking to sharpen my C++ skills, but no interest in MFE

    Hey Mohammed, We have plenty of people taking the C++ courses for non-finance purposes. They work in different industries where C++ is playing a crucial role. AI/Tech/Learning Machine, etc. You will get a very solid foundation in the first C++ course and then really go to the next level with the...
  52. Andy Nguyen

    How to verify your QuantNet account

    Answered above. You can still submit a LinkedIn profile page and upload your ID so we can verify it.
  53. Andy Nguyen

    How to verify your QuantNet account

    We have built the request to verified badge in house. You can use this link to request your badge. It can be accessed directly by clicking on your username and go there like in this picture. 1) If LinkedIn verified status is not available in your country, you can upload your ID to verify as...
  54. Andy Nguyen

    Opinions on USC MSF and MFE

    The online time we ranked a USC program, it was 4 years ago and it was for the USC Mathematical Finance program. As you can see, it was unranked due to lack of data. With the data provided, it was at the bottom of the list based on the score. I...
  55. Andy Nguyen

    New UChicago MFin program

    Please keep us updated on this journey if you decide to join the program. It's always the trailblazers like you who can provide the greatest insights and input for everyone involved. Definitely interested to learn more about it.
  56. Andy Nguyen

    List of UK Financial Engineering Programs

    I have a feeling that these UK programs do not have as strong a dedicated career service for MFE graduates compared to their US counterparts. Anyone familiar with the UK programs please share any insight if they can.
  57. Andy Nguyen

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

    Let's us all know how it goes and please update the results on the Tracker if you can. Thanks and good luck everyone.
  58. Andy Nguyen

    Yes. It is a lesser known program. You wont find much info on it outside of Quantnet so i...

    Yes. It is a lesser known program. You wont find much info on it outside of Quantnet so i suggest post your question on the forum and others may chime in.
  59. Andy Nguyen

    Options/Career Advice for a postdoc in differential geometry possibly leaving academia

    Your first challenge would be to get an interview for a finance job. Without industry connection or university career service, your choice is most likely to work with a recruiter. I assume with the credentials, it's easier step. Then you need to prep for it. Knowing the industry, which firms and...
  60. Andy Nguyen

    List of UK Financial Engineering Programs

    Not surprising. There will be a UK ranking this year and from the initial data I gather, too many programs for a very few applications.
  61. Andy Nguyen

    List of UK Financial Engineering Programs

    I added to the list above. It's amazing the number of similar programs a UK college/university can offer. In many case, the same director manages several MS programs.
  62. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    I don't see your applications in the Tracker, that's why I'm asking. I'm sure you will get in one of those places. Best of luck.
  63. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    Did anyone has an interview and subsequently rejected? It seems all the rejections so far have been a straight deny.
  64. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    What other programs are you applying to? It's somewhere here. We have some detailed historical admission data from top programs (Baruch/Princeton) which will be expanded soon to cover most programs.
  65. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    Here is the link to MIT trackers
  66. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    Guys, can you add your interview date on your Tracker please? This will be tremendously useful to see how long from apply to interview.
  67. Andy Nguyen

    NCSU MFM NCSU MFM Admission Discussion

    If anyone receive any fellowship/grant/scholarship from NCSU, can you please share with us? It's an important data point for applicants to make a decision and the more we have, the better decision we can make.
  68. Andy Nguyen

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    You guys should see some update on the Tracker soon. In case you haven't added yours there, it's the best tool to follow the decisions that are being updated everyday.
  69. Andy Nguyen

    Imperial, Oxford, LSE 2024 applications

    Congrats and let us know when you receive result from Oxford.
  70. Andy Nguyen

    NYU Tandon MFE NYU Tandon MFE Admissions Discussion

    Sweet. Let's those admits coming. Will be excited to see the Tracker light up with the blue admitted status.
  71. Andy Nguyen

    ODE/PDE/SDE online courses for computational finance

    Wow. Such a huge milestone. Congrats Daniel.
  72. Andy Nguyen

    NYU Tandon MFE NYU Tandon MFE Admissions Discussion

    Result should come up soon for you. If you have your cases on the Tracker, be sure to update and let us know how it goes. Same with other programs you are applying.
  73. Andy Nguyen

    The Goldman Sachs Suggested Reading List

    Fixed the list by uploading the PDF again. For new members who haven't seen it yet.
  74. Andy Nguyen

    NYU Tandon MFE NYU Tandon MFE Admissions Discussion

    Hopefully some decisions are pending for you guys. Best of luck. Let us know when you have an update and share it on our Tracker too since it's very actively watched.
  75. Andy Nguyen

    2024 MFE Admission roll call

    As admission decisions start to come in, let's get a tradition going here so we can share the programs we applied to, the admits/rejects we received and the program we are ultimately joining. Let's keep the format uniform and discussions on their separate programs threads. >>>>>>> Please share...
  76. Andy Nguyen

    Debating Switching from Pre-Med to Quant Finance

    Traditionally, STEM degrees are the main major feeding quant programs. You are clearly smart enough to make the transition. Take the programming courses we have here. The C++ course is the #1 course taken by thousands of MFE applicants and have proven to be extremely useful. Then take the usual...
  77. Andy Nguyen

    NCSU MFM NCSU MFM Admission Discussion

    Please enter your timeline and track it here
  78. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Math Assessment

    Best of luck everyone. Please make sure you add your application in the Tracker.
  79. Andy Nguyen

    List of UK Financial Engineering Programs

    The list of UK programs we collect is above.
  80. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Oxford MCF VS Oxford MMath Stats VS Imperial Math Fin VS LSE Fin and similar courses

    I would be curious to see what people think of a list of 10 worthy UK quant programs.
  81. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE Oxford MCF VS Oxford MMath Stats VS Imperial Math Fin VS LSE Fin and similar courses

    My interest in this discussion is for the UK programs ranking purpose. It seems to be the line between a traditional MFE/Math Fin programs vs Finance programs are not that clear in the UK. My goal would be to have a similar ranking like we do with the US MFE programs here. But first, I need some...
  82. Andy Nguyen

    Quant Masters Preparation

    Take a look at the master reading list book in my signature. It has links to many free PDF as well as the popular books on many topics.
  83. Andy Nguyen

    Princeton MFin Princeton MFin Math Assessment

    Nice job of spotting that piece of data. That Fall 2024 application number will be reflected on our next rankings. They will increase the size of the program so expect to see 40-50 people in their incoming cohort. We can somewhat track the trend by the data in our Tracker so I strongly...
  84. Andy Nguyen

    Please Judge my Profile, for MFE/MFin

    You target MIT MFin, Yale AM so may as well apply to Columbia MSFE (Financial Economics). I see that your interest is a bit broader than most MFE applicants. Taking a C++ course and doing well will prep you for the MFE courseworks. After the C++, take the Python course here. It's the perfect...
  85. Andy Nguyen

    It would not be comparable to most programs we discuss here. It's more like geared towards local...

    It would not be comparable to most programs we discuss here. It's more like geared towards local students who want to join an exchange program.
  86. Andy Nguyen

    Is it Possible for me to be accepted in the CMU MSCF program?

    Set your expectation lower. You must be a standout from thousands of applicants across the country to get an offer from such firms fresh out of college. Getting into CMU is the easiest part of that plan.
  87. Andy Nguyen

    How to verify your QuantNet account

    Just a bump up for those who want to get their account verified.
  88. Andy Nguyen

    Study an MFE in my forties?

    Programs will look at two things: your ability to handle the course work and your ability to get a job. The first part has lot to do with your education background, how up to date is your math skills, programming ability. The second part, your work experience plays a big part. I know plenty of...
  89. Andy Nguyen

    How to verify your QuantNet account

    Everyone who has requested a verified QuantNet account has been checked and verified :)
  90. Andy Nguyen

    How to verify your QuantNet account

    @MichaelLewis @Lukee @MikeLawrence @quantguidance
  91. Andy Nguyen

    How to verify your QuantNet account

    To all QuantNet fellows, Per popular request, we have been working on a way to allow members to remain anonymous (if they prefer) on QuantNet but still show their trustworthiness. The benefits are increasingly more important as discussed here. This step is purely optional but as a verified...
  92. Andy Nguyen

    Why are most reviews clumped together in timing to specific days?

    Using their real name that I can verify. If using a random username, please contact me to verify their ID via their LinkedIn profile. I don't have a robust mechanism to verify yet. Right now, send me a DM here linking to their LinkedIn profile. I will connect with them via LinkedIn to verify.
  93. Andy Nguyen

    Why are most reviews clumped together in timing to specific days?

    By the way, in our next update, you can filter the reviews by star rating. Clicking on 1 star will show all reviews with 1 star and so on. Just make it easier to find the negative reviews. When I shop on Amazon, I do spend time reading all the negative review of a product first.
  94. Andy Nguyen

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

    I would be interested to know as well.
  95. Andy Nguyen

    Why are most reviews clumped together in timing to specific days?

    I'm going to work (attempt to try) on some filters so that reviews by verified members will be displayed as default. And you click on a button to show all reviews. I think it's a workaround that is reasonable. In the long term, the only way we can encourage more genuine reviews from more...
  96. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation (Fall 2024) for Quant Finance Programs

    Hey Matthieu, All European programs but no US? Quick glance but your profile is strong and very math heavy. It looks ideal for a Math grad program than an MFE program which is very industry focused. Finance background, knowledge, good interview skills, C++ (you are addressing it with the...
  97. Andy Nguyen

    Why are most reviews clumped together in timing to specific days?

    It's happening again. Do you think these recent reviews bring any substance that would help prospective applicants to make a more informed choice? If no, then are there any chance to the format so we can get more value?
  98. Andy Nguyen

    Application advice welcomed... not sure what my next steps should be

    Bumping this up for exposure. Strong profile but it seems you cast your net wide and far. I question some of your choices. Are you American? If yes, no need retake the GRE for verbal. You made it to final rounds so it's good enough.
  99. Andy Nguyen

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

    Best way to keep track is to use the Tracker to see who got results.
  100. Andy Nguyen

    Why are most reviews clumped together in timing to specific days?

    I think you guys make some good observation. Most reviews that are posted in a short period of time are likely results of the program's push to get more alum to leave a review. And majority of the reviews are genuine from real students. If someone wants to contact us to get their account...
  101. Andy Nguyen


    It is tuition only. No fees or cost of living is included so you need to budget accordingly.
  102. Andy Nguyen

    Happy holidays

    On behalf of myself and QuantNet, we wish you all a happy holiday. 2024 has been a very active year for us and we have many things to be thankful of. Thank you everyone who contributed this year, be it answering a question, posting a review, or even just asking a question. We are looking...
  103. Andy Nguyen

    GaTech QCF Georgia Tech QCF Admission Discussion

    Can you guys add your timelines to the Tracker? This way, you can see who got a decision from GaTech.
  104. Andy Nguyen

    New UChicago MFin program

    Thanks for reporting this, Lukee. We'll see how much interest the program generates and how it will look like in the next few years.
  105. Andy Nguyen

    Other paths for Non-stem undergrad for MFE

    Take your time to identify and plan for a program. You can only do an MFE once. Rushing into one just because is a recipe for disasters.
  106. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs
  107. Andy Nguyen

    Benefit of more math

    C++, Python, Options, interview books, mock interviews, etc. That will get you ahead instead of more math courses beyond what needed for the degree. We are all here to get ready for interviews on day 1.
  108. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation Fall 2024 + Program Recs

    What is your rationale for those specific programs?
  109. Andy Nguyen

    Profile evaluation for Fall 2025

    She would need to take some C++ courses to get ready for MFE and internship interviews. The C++ courses we have here are highly relevant and have been used by applicants to get into Baruch, CMU and other top MFE program.s
  110. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Updated the ranking to point to this I've seen some members here got the Alpha scholarship that goes up to 70% total tuition but currently the max is 60% off the total tuition...
  111. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Mike, You probably meant the Columbia MSFE (Financial Economics) ran by Columbia Business School (CBS) that @Qui-Gon attended, not to be confused with Columbia MFE (Financial Engineering) program which is under IEOR department.
  112. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Strongly recommend that you reach out to alumni of both programs to hear their experiences. Our ranking just captures a snapshot of data which can't fully represent the experience you will have at each program. Use our ranking to shortlist the programs and use the resources and reviews page to...
  113. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    The programs report the mean (average) salary and bonus. They should also have a more detailed report on their website which may have breakdown into median, sectors, years of experience which are what you are looking for. If you don't see those numbers online, email them and they should have it...
  114. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Nothing changed. Probably some of their top graduates got huge offers from top firms.
  115. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    That's something to find out in the 2025 rankings :)
  116. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Congrats to the Chicago program. #6 is the highest rank they achieved over the past decade.
  117. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Yes sir. Keep checking back as we will update those info as often as we can. I mentioned earlier that we are pressed for time this year so we couldn't get all of the new data available yet but they are coming and you will love it. You can already see historical ranking data for each program on...
  118. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    The employers information are confidential as a condition for them to participate, of course. I can only say that we survey a large number of employers, from the mega banks and hedge funds that everyone knows to boutique specialty shops. This year, the employers survey has been a huge success as...
  119. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    I updated the second post with an example of how to interpret the placement numbers reported. This will hopefully give you some useful insight on where the graduates end up.
  120. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Due to a very compressed timeline this year, we are not able to display as much info as we would like during launch. It's actually quite a lot of data processing. Hopefully over the next few days, we will update the ranking layout incrementally to provide useful info for prospective students...
  121. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    How to interpret the employment rate numbers. Take this program for example, of all graduates seeking FT jobs, 76% of them reported getting a FT job at graduation. At 3 months post graduation, that rate increases to 88%. 55% of those seeking FT jobs reported having a FT job in the US and 33%...
  122. Andy Nguyen

    2024 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    We are pleased to announce the publication of the QuantNet 2024 Rankings of Financial Engineering programs. The full 2024 QuantNet MFE ranking will be released here For comparison, the 2023 QuantNet MFE ranking is here. New in 2024 QuantNet MFE ranking New programs added: UC San Diego (Master...
  123. Andy Nguyen

    MFE 2024 Ranking

    In a few more days guys, the process has been smoother this year but we have one program that submitted very late and still incomplete, causing this unnecessary delay.
  124. Andy Nguyen

    My suggestion is for you to read as much as you can here. There are many Ask Me Anything (AMA)...

    My suggestion is for you to read as much as you can here. There are many Ask Me Anything (AMA) threads here from practicing quants who share their wisdom. Read books from our Master Reading List.
  125. Andy Nguyen

    Should I retake GRE because of a relatively low quant score?

    This is an anxiety issue more than anything. Also, there are methods to tacke the GRE where you don't waste time on the easy questions.
  126. Andy Nguyen

    Should I retake GRE because of a relatively low quant score?

    If you have to report GRE score because some programs require it, then by all means, retake and get the highest score. Top programs expect 168-170. If none of the programs you are applying to requires GRE, spend time on other things. Take C++, do the interview books, review your basic options...
  127. Andy Nguyen

    Organising a mock trading session this weekend

    Posted this on LinkedIn to increase exposure to this great opportunity. It looks like this will cost $100 per slot to join this game.
  128. Andy Nguyen

    Multiverse Pricing Models

    You will find a lot of members here whose first language is not English so we all communicate in technical terms. It's great to see active discussion for something more relevant to our members.
  129. Andy Nguyen

    COMPARE A hard decision: UCL CF vs Imperial MathFin

    We have the first review of the Imperial program :) I hope more are coming.
  130. Andy Nguyen

    MFE Application - Letters of Rec

    Generally, I don't think it's a rule where you must have a letter of recommendation from a math prof. If you got all As in all the standard courses, there isn't much value they can provide. The value is when you take a more advanced course and the teacher can talk in length about your...
  131. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation for Top MFE Programs

    Background/degree does not mention lot of math so I would assume lack of the usual prerequisite courses for the traditional MFE programs. You can take the courses to fill the gap and apply to top programs(look at our QuantNet rankings). If you want to keep your options open, maybe some newer...
  132. Andy Nguyen

    Graduate Programs questions

    2) Why not? If you aim for the top, you need to prepare now. 3) I think programming would be the next area you need to address. Take the C++ course we have here and preferably the Python course right after it. It will prime you nicely for internship interviews, etc. And don't forget about the...
  133. Andy Nguyen

    Guidance with being a quant researcher in Australia

    Lukee is right. PhD is a serious endeavor that takes most people half a decade or more (emphasis on the more) to complete. If you are aiming for a professional/technical job, then find the best degree that provides that skillset. PhD that ends up in quant jobs are by product of the environment...
  134. Andy Nguyen

    Applying without GRE scores

    When programs do not require GRE, not having it will not be a hinderance if other aspects of your profile are strong. It is not a significant factor like it used to be. In short, skipping it wont hurt, having a good GRE may help marginally.
  135. Andy Nguyen

    Advice on undergraduate degree to pursue

    Do a degree where if you change your mind about being a quant in a few years it still allows you flexibility. Maybe a math or CS degree will flexible enough to get into most technical roles.
  136. Andy Nguyen

    Realistically, what do quants do as their day-to-day job?

    We have a series of "A day in the life of" discussions where the authors share their daily job routine. It would provide insight into the roles you are interested in. You can find those by searching for the phrase "a day in the life of" and search title only.
  137. Andy Nguyen

    Spring Programs for MFE

    It has to do with the timing of the banks traditional recruiting cycle. Most incoming classes start in Fall so banks schedule their interviews accordingly. When you start in Spring, you will do off-cycle recruitment and this is where a program's career services make a difference. There are...
  138. Andy Nguyen

    gre maths subject test is a waste of time

    It's good to hear about your experience. Thanks for sharing. Back in the days when I evaluated applications for a certain Math Finance program, GRE Math subject was a way for applicants to stand out when GRE Q 170 was pretty common and every other aspect of the application was very comparable...
  139. Andy Nguyen

    Pre requisites for MFE

    We ought to have a resource for prospective applicants to MFE programs where our QuantNet members can contribute. Links to reading materials, courses to take, which requirements, how to do research on different programs, how to track/compare apps using the Tracker, internship leads, how to...
  140. Andy Nguyen

    Where C++/Python and other programming languages used in MFE programs

    Fordham MQF program has these courses Financial Programming (C++); Computational Finance (Python); and Advanced C++ for Finance.
  141. Andy Nguyen

    Pre-Reading List 2023-24 for Imperial College London MSc in Mathematics and Finance program

    Summer Reading List Congratulations on joining the MSc in Mathematics and Finance at Imperial College London this September. We look forward to welcoming you here and, in the meantime, would like to give you some information about the programme itself and how to best prepare for it. The...
  142. Andy Nguyen

    Imperial College London - MSc Mathematics and Finance

    Established in 1999, the Imperial College London MSc in Mathematics and Finance program, under the Department of Mathematics, is one of the oldest programmes of its kind. It combines rigorous mathematical training with practical financial applications, offering students a comprehensive...
  143. Andy Nguyen

    Laptop Recommendation for Financial engineering grad student

    I did it a couple of times years ago. Most of the time will be spent researching online on which parts to buy (case, motherboard, PSU, graphic card, memory sticks, etc). Putting them together is fun and it could be a weekend project. You could spend a premium to have this one prebuilt and ready...
  144. Andy Nguyen

    Projects idea for students going into quant field

    I'm sure you have some ideas to contribute Paul.
  145. Andy Nguyen

    Is this career path right for me?

    Quant finance is a broad field with numerous job profiles for people with different skill sets and personalities even. There are FO (front office), MO (middle office), BO (back office), each with countless roles that have a decent salary. Take your time to figure out where you will fit in and...
  146. Andy Nguyen

    Laptop Recommendation for Financial engineering grad student

    You mean this monster of a CPU? Are you building your own desktop too?
  147. Andy Nguyen

    Areas of maths needed for central risk book desk?

    @Ken Abbott does post many resources on risk management. Maybe some of the materials are useful for that area.
  148. Andy Nguyen

    Advantages of being US citizen in admission

    If you quote those posts, maybe I can remember the context where I said that. Years ago, employment environment was favorable compared to the job market today. Then everyone got a job offer soon after graduation so the advantage of being a US resident is not that big. Now, it may be the...
  149. Andy Nguyen

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF NYC campus relocation to 88 Pine St

    The CMU MSCF program announced that they will relocate their NYC campus from the current location at 55 Broad Street to 88 Pine St, about 0.3 miles away. The new location will open for business in Jan 2024 pending state approval. Below is the walking map showing the relative locations of the...
  150. Andy Nguyen

    Advantages of being US citizen in admission

    The reasons are both so if you meet all the admission requirements, I strongly recommend you to apply to all the top programs. Don't let those profiles intimidate you. The more diversified a program looks, the more diversified applicant pool they attract so it's a win-win for everyone. Again...
  151. Andy Nguyen

    Quant Programs in Europe & UK from India

    Imperial is a well-known and highly regarded UK program.
  152. Andy Nguyen

    2023 QuantNet Rankings of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    The 2024 ranking process has been started and we expect to release it around the same time last year. The list of programs is going through a major change, making the ranking much more selective. We'll update everyone as we have more to say. Stay tuned.
  153. Andy Nguyen

    Master in Risk Analysis and Management/Financial Mathematics at FIU

    Thanks for sharing the info on the program, Prof. Villamor. From a quick glance of your website and brochure, please correct if the following points are wrong. 1) This is a brand new MS program that will admit the first entering cohort for Fall 2024. 2) This is a 36-credit program (12 courses, 3...
  154. Andy Nguyen

    Question with the GRE

    Instead of spending time getting a higher GRE Q which may not be an important factor to programs (they don't require it), you can try to fill up gaps in your profile. Taking the C++ course such as one on QuantNet for example. You are an American so that goes a lot in your favor. You seem to have...
  155. Andy Nguyen

    10/25/23 QuantNet access issue. Now resolved.

    Today, QuantNet was not accessible until 1.30 PM EST. It was caused by several damages to the fiber cables connected to our data center. As a result, our website is one of many thousands affected for most of the day. My apology for the inconvenience caused by this service disruption.
  156. Andy Nguyen

    Wish list for QuantNet 2023 and beyond

    If anyone is open to collaborate with me in gathering data, building some comprehensive data for MFE programs, please reach out. We need more help in this front to make QuantNet a huge clearinghouse for everything about graduate quant programs. You can choose to help with one program or more if...
  157. Andy Nguyen

    Looks like you should be helping us with some data. Yes, we haven't had much success getting any...

    Looks like you should be helping us with some data. Yes, we haven't had much success getting any relevant data from the USC MFE program over the years despite many attempts to contact them. It would be great if you can share even the basic info with us so we can furnish the data on their entry...
  158. Andy Nguyen

    Yale University - Master in Asset Management

    The Master’s in Asset Management program is a STEM-eligible, quantitatively intense nine-month program that was developed by the late David Swensen ’80 PhD, Yale’s former chief investments officer and the pioneer of the “Yale Model” and Tobias Moskowitz, Dean Takahashi ’80 B.A., ’83 M.P.P.M...
  159. Andy Nguyen

    UChicago MSFM Programme & General Quant Q&A

    Thanks for doing this. Greatly appreciate it Kaven. This is pay it forward kind of karma so it's a good way to contribute. Wish more people do it. Can you give us some color of what it's been like since you arrived in the Windy City? How is the city, the campus, the people, etc? Anything you...
  160. Andy Nguyen

    Rice applied statistics

    This does not seem like a professional master's program whose focus is on helping with job placement. In other news
  161. Andy Nguyen

    Seeking Advice: Strengthening My Application for Princeton's MFin Program

    I understand if someone from the outside would not be able to see the difference between similar online courses or tell what made ours unique. I have been running this since 2011 and can tell you the programs that have required their admitted students to complete the QuantNet C++ certificate as...
  162. Andy Nguyen

    PhD + Experience Career Switch

    This AMA thread by @Igna is a good start
  163. Andy Nguyen

    Help needed in long term and short term goal for sop

    This is the issue right here. It would help if you do a bit more research and see who does what where in the big picture. This way, you can see which roles would be something you are interested in. This will also help with your short term and long term plan. Here is the reading list that has...
  164. Andy Nguyen

    MFE Profile Evaluation for Fall 24

    Reality check right here. Most people don't realize that getting into MFE degree is just one of the many steps before you get your first job in the finance industry. The struggle is real and you should plan long term and see where you will land 3 years, 5 years from now. That said, many people...
  165. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation for MSFE US and Europe (Fall '24)

    I say not worth it since GRE is not a good differentiating signal anymore. Having a very low GRE is an automatic rejection but having a high GRE doesn't guarantee anything. Spend your time on things that will get you ready for internship interviews right after your first semester. Things like...
  166. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation for MSFE US and Europe (Fall '24)

    Any local college that gives you a transcript for these course would be fine. These are basic courses that just check the boxes.
  167. Andy Nguyen

    Which masters program should I apply to?

    Best of luck and keep us updated on your progress. We are here to help. You are not alone in the journey. There are lot of silent members here who are going through the same process so it's good to get feedback.
  168. Andy Nguyen

    Profile Evaluation for MSFE US and Europe (Fall '24)

    You need some C++ programming certificate or course on your profile. Take the QuantNet C++ course. It's the preferred choice for many MFE applicants. Calculus 1 with 6/10 and GRE Q of 167 don't look too good. Even many programs do not require GRE these days, you may want to beef up your math...
  169. Andy Nguyen

    MFE Fall 2024 Profile Evaluation

    The fact that you are an American is already a plus. When incoming MFE cohort in many programs is comprised of 95% students from one country, a desire to have a more diversified student body will play in your favor. This is a shoutout to all members here who are currently undergraduate in the US...
  170. Andy Nguyen


    Years ago, OR was a popular choice among MFE applicants. Columbia MSOR was one such program that attracted lot of applicants. I haven't heard much about them or OR master programs recently. I'm not sure of the reason. In theory, if you have a good grasp of all the relevant training, any STEM...
  171. Andy Nguyen

    Path forward/Planning next steps

    Jane Street and Two Sigma are notorious for being a very tough nut to crack. The fact that you got an interview with either one is a huge plus. Did you get any feedback from the interviewers on what areas they feel you are lacking? If so, you can improve on it. If not, like @MikeLawrence...
  172. Andy Nguyen

    Which masters program should I apply to?

    If you want to work in the US or UK then doing an MFE degree in the respective geography makes sense. Just apply to a few of the top programs that you feel you can get into (much research is needed to make this determination). QuantNet is the place to do this kind of research. You still need to...
  173. Andy Nguyen

    Which masters program should I apply to?

    Another approach to getting into the junior quant positions you target is to address the your weakness. It seems like you can easily take both our C++ courses and possibly Python course which will cost you a few months and less than $5,000. You can then reapply to those jobs again and...
  174. Andy Nguyen

    Applying to MFEs with prerequisites in progress/in the future

    It doesn't hurt to mention this to the programs you are applying. Tell them which courses are in progress and when/what will be done.
  175. Andy Nguyen

    Is CQF needed for MFE

    If you are doing a full-time MFE, you don't need the others. Each of those is designed for a different audience and need.
  176. Andy Nguyen

    Berkely MFE ad

    Zip it and upload is best way.
  177. Andy Nguyen

    Berkely MFE ad

    Is this only for that specific program? Does this happen on a phone or desktop? If any chance for a screen recording? I haven’t noticed any change but thanks for reporting.
  178. Andy Nguyen

    Wish list for QuantNet 2023 and beyond

    Coming soon :)
  179. Andy Nguyen

    Where do I submit the gre maths subject test in the application process?

    You should send to the same dept that you use for the general GRE. Few people take the GRE Math these days so it's not mentioned much. Make sure you mention this in your essay, application.
  180. Andy Nguyen

    MS program choices for pursuing a career in quant research, trader or analyst roles

    These quant programs do not lead to IB roles where MBA/undergrad are better fit. Any top program should give you a path to your desired roles. Some programs have better track record than others. They usually publish the placement, broken down by firms, types, etc so take a look at those stats...
  181. Andy Nguyen

    Credit Derivatives Research Papers
  182. Andy Nguyen

    Ms financial engineering

    I guess we need to expand the range of information and cover all programs so people can get what they need. These are very basic info.
  183. Andy Nguyen

    Where C++/Python and other programming languages used in MFE programs

    This is great. Thanks for the info. I have updated the list above to include them.
  184. Andy Nguyen

    I save my employer millions using technique I learned in QuantNet Advanced C++ course. AMA

    Are there other new C++2X features that you are interested in implementing at work?
  185. Andy Nguyen

    I save my employer millions using technique I learned in QuantNet Advanced C++ course. AMA

    Thank you for sharing your story @sonmanutd It's great to learn how you are able to make a real impact in your work from what you learned in our courses. From reading this, it looks like every a small change to make the code more efficient can make a big difference the larger the code base. And...
  186. Andy Nguyen

    My chances of getting into top msqf/mscf programs

    Short list your top target programs. Look at their admitted cohort profiles (either on the website or on QuantNet Tracker). Prepare accordingly. Everything is possible. You just need a plan and realistic expectation.
  187. Andy Nguyen

    How are ODEs/PDEs/Measure theory introduced in MSQF/FE programs

    Judging from how this thread is going, we may have someone applying to graduate math programs in the future. :)
  188. Andy Nguyen

    Kings' College London - MSc Financial Mathematics

    Our Financial Mathematics MSc enables graduates and professionals with a strong mathematical background to research, develop and apply quantitative and computational techniques to investment and risk management. Based in the Department of Mathematics, this course has a superb reputation for...
  189. Andy Nguyen

    University College London - MSc Financial Risk Management

    The programme is aimed at students with a first degree in mathematics, finance, economics, physics, or computing who wish to gain the skills necessary to work within quantitative risk management. You will be expected to have established competency in probability, statistics, differential...
  190. Andy Nguyen

    University of York - MSc Financial Engineering

    Led by the Department of Mathematics, the MSc Financial Engineering is part of our uniquely multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary suite of finance Masters programmes. These programmes together expertise from the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Economics and Related Studies...
  191. Andy Nguyen

    University of York - MSc Mathematical Finance

    Join an established course which has been serving students for over a decade. Our team of dedicated academic staff are leaders in their field, publishing their research in leading academic journals. Mathematical Finance (MSc) is part of our suite of uniquely interdisciplinary finance Masters...
  192. Andy Nguyen

    City St George’s, University of London, Bayes Business School - MSc Quantitative Finance

    In the MSc Quantitative Finance, you will focus on the tools that allow you to analyse the relevant information for making investment decisions and strategize the best response to market changes. This will open the door to a career for example in asset management, or as a quantitative financial...
  193. Andy Nguyen

    City St George’s, University of London, Bayes Business School - MSc Mathematical Trading and Finance

    In the MSc Mathematical Trading and Finance, you will learn about tools used to develop algorithms for optimal investment decisions across various asset classes, and to monitor and assess trading risk on your ‘books’. Emphasis is given to quantitative structuring and trading, as well as Machine...
  194. Andy Nguyen

    University of Warwick - MSc Mathematical Finance

    This mathematically rigorous course is unique in providing training from three top departments at Warwick: Statistics, Mathematics and Warwick Business School. It enables you to develop and apply the quantitative skills in machine learning, computational statistics and mathematical finance used...
  195. Andy Nguyen

    Taking prereq math courses at NYU

    As far as pre-requirement courses for MFE go, you can take them at any accredited college. Some people take them at community college for cost reason. They all cover the same basic topics for Cal I, II, III, etc. Take them, aim for an A, get a transcript and you are done.
  196. Andy Nguyen

    NYU Tandon MFE An announcement from Finance & Risk Engineering, NYU Tandon

    Thank you for the update and we look forward to the Tandon FRE program under Prof. Nizar's leadership.
  197. Andy Nguyen

    Are MFE programs suitable for people who are already working in a Quant role

    There are always pro and con to each approach. Obviously, the work experience is much more valuable than a lot of things you learn in the classroom setting since you may work on some bleeding edge product or technology at work that are years ahead of whatever you learn in the classroom. On the...
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