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    Cornell FE Review of Cornell University Financial Engineering program

    So, you are saying the program is no good if you want to enter the quant finance field?
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    Review of SUNY Buffalo Master of Finance program

    I got my PhD in comp sci from SUNY Buffalo, and that hasn't opened any doors for me.  The top tiers in academia and government jobs are closed to people with UB PhDs.  Is it any different for this program?  I find it hard to believe a UB graduate could be making $600K.  Most quant job ads say...
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    Jay Dweck, Global Head of Strats and Tech left Morgan Stanley

    Rather than him leaving out of his own accord, he was presumably "asked to leave". With the dirty internal politics at the firm where IT and traders ganged up to gun for his head, this did not come as a shock to anybody at Morgan Stanley. Strategies at Morgan Stanley is dead. They tried to...
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    Cornell FE Review of Cornell University Financial Engineering program

    In regards to the practicality of stochastic calculus and credit risk: There are students who are graduating from the program who will mostly be using the methods taught in those two specific courses. The purpose of the two courses is to give you an introduction in their world, the rest must be...
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