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  1. C

    Table of known SDE solutions

    Hey I was just wondering if anyone knew of a textbook with a table of known SDEs and their respective solution form. Also if anyone wants to show off their skills and post the ones they know that would be appreciated. Thanks Corbin
  2. C

    International Forum on Financial Risk - Toronto

    Hey Anyone else checking out the Global Risk Institutes Forum next week? Should be interesting, fairly respectable speaker list.
  3. C

    In-Major GPA or Overall GPA

    Hey I know every school's admissions are different but in general how do they weight your in-major gpa compared to your overall gpa. I'm doing honours in math and so far I have an in-major gpa of 3.9 but my overall is only a 3.5 (which seems to0 low to get into MFE). I really hope they focus on...
  4. C

    Toronto MathFin U of Toronto MMF Question

    Hey Just started looking around at getting into Quant. I'm going into my Junior year at St. Francis Xavier, and will graduate with an Honors degree in Mathematics in 2011. I've been reading about the Master of Mathematical Finance at UofT program and see it is quite competitive. I just wanted...
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