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  1. M

    Institute for Data Sciences and Engineering at Columbia University

    Given the recent problems on Wall Street and in banking, looks like the world may be moving toward "Big Data" analytics. This will provide a new venue for MFE graduates to seek employment outside of finance. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Columbia University President Lee C. Bollinger...
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    Harvard announces new Masters programs in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE)

    Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) and the Graduate School of Arts and Science (GSAS) have just announced a new one-year Master of Science (SM) program in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) to begin in Fall 2013, and a two-year Master of Engineering (M.E.)...
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    Semi-annual MATLAB programming competition just started!

    The fall Matlab programming contest is underway! The competition ends at noon (EST) on November 9th.
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    John McCarthy has passed away

    Died on Monday at his home in Stanford, Calif. He was 84. Credited with coining the term "Artificial Intelligence" while at Dartmouth. Co-founder of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT. Inventor of LISP and "Garbage Collection". Founder of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence...
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    Columbia University 18th Annual Workshop On Financial Engineering -- Friday October 21st

    FYI: This event was just announced. 18th Annual Workshop on Financial Engineering: High Frequency Trading and Market Microstructure 10/21/2011 18th Annual Workshop on Financial Engineering: High Frequency Trading and...
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    IE Business School (Instituto de Empresa) of Madrid Spain presentation in New York on July 19

    The IE-Instituto de Empresa (Enterprise Institute) Business School, located in Madrid, Spain, is ranked among the top business schools in the world. (Surprising that until a week ago I had never heard of it...)
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    Steven Shreve is speaking tomorrow (Tuesday 4/26) @1pm at Columbia on Optimal Execution

    Optimal Execution in a General One-Sided Limit-Order Book Date: 04-26-2011 Start Time: 1:00pm End Time: 2:00pm Speaker: Steven Shreve, Carnegie Mellon University Location: Mudd 303 ABSTRACT We construct an optimal execution strategy for the purchase of a large number of shares of a...
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