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  1. S

    Quant Job Prospects Post 2011

    Hello guys, For people who will be joining mfe/msmf starting this fall, will probably graduate by 2011. I have read things that support the idea that there would be an increase in quant (technical) roles. On the other hand I have also read that jobs will decrease. Any ideas as to what the...
  2. S

    Any Kent State MFE student

    I tried to look for any kent mfe students, but couldn't find any. Hopefully, this thread will help. I would like to get some info about the program and how difficult it is to get through a whole program within 1 year. Also, placement stats. Bye!
  3. S

    Investment Mgmt : MSMF/MFE or MBA Finance

    HELP! Investment Mgmt : MSMF/MFE or MBA Finance I really want to work in an investment management firm. But, do you guys think MBS in Finance is better suited that MS Math Finance or Financial Engr. Can anyone comment on it!
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    Boston MSMFT Any Previous Boston MSMF student

    I am starting this thread to get in touch with any Boston Univ MSMF student from previous years. I am accepted for fall 2010. I have read couple of threads written by Sanket and they were of great help. Just want to get in touch with student form recent years, to see if there has been any...
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    Rutgers MSMF Any Previous Rutgers MSMF student

    I am starting this thread to get in touch with some of the Rutgers MSMF students from previous years. I would really like to know about the program, professors, & placement, the way the students think about it. Bye!
  6. S

    COMPARE Boston Univ Vs Rutgers Univ Placement and Location

    Administrators, please do not delete this thread. I do know that other threads exist, but they are not very specific. I guess this will help. Boston does not publish placement stats, but recently I have found that Rutgers have a placement of 100%. Andy and others, what do you guys think...
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