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  1. tigergb

    10 Things the Public Need to Know About Quantitative Trading

    I put this thread at off-topic section because it is purely for fun and open for discussion, enjoy it. Feel free to leave a comment either here or at the original post:
  2. tigergb

    Short Term Stock Price Movement Prediction Competition

    Forward the post here as some of you guys may be interested. Traders, analysts, investors and hedge funds are always looking for techniques to better predict stock price movements. The 2010 INFORMS Data Mining Contest takes aim at this goal, requiring participants to build models that...
  3. tigergb

    ETH MAS finance will change its name

    For those of you interested, the "MAS in finance" program at ETH, Switzerland will change its name to "Master of science in quantitative finance" under Swiss Finance Instititute, this change shows it will be probably more close to industry. for detail see its webpage MASFinance
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