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    Book for brushing up Maths

    Hi, I am looking for a Maths book that could be good for getting the basics before starting a fin engg program . I have an engg background and have studied math for 3 semesters. I am leaning towards "intro to stochastic processes " by sheldon ross and saw a few chapters online .... but due to...
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    hi I had a query regarding the Resume Format that needs to be used for applications to various schools. I do have a 1-2 page resume that I have previously used in various job applications , but I am not sure if that can be used in these applications too. Please advice if there is a specific...
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    advice regarding PRM

    hi all I have recently completed my engineering from a reputed collg in India and currently a software engineer at TCS. My query is regarding a cartification PRM -IA (Profesional risk Manager). I have a little less scores in Maths subjecs in my engineering and am confused whther to take...
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