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  1. S

    EngD useful for Quant role?

    Hi guys, I've been offered an EngD in nuclear engineering (computational physic) it looks like an interesting area - but I'm also thinking about becoming a Quant. I'm not doing the Phd to become quant but it is something that I'm interested in. So would a EngD be of any use? Or should I take a...
  2. S

    IB graduate scheme thoughts?

    Hi guys, I just wondered what your thoughts were for graduate scheme analyst potions? I'm also considering doing a PhD but wory about the "overqualified lable". I'm also quite desperate to get out there an make a name for myself :) so would the graduate scheme get me farthest? Or do you hit a...
  3. S

    Chances of becoming a quant?

    Hi Guys me again :) hope your all well, I asked a simulator question a while back and have done a lot more research. I Pm several members and some of them suggested that I post my question here. I really want to get some input from physicists that have made the leap from a physics PhD to Quant...
  4. S

    Msc theortical physics vs Applied math

    Hi guy, I have an offer to do either a MSc in theoretical physics (quantum fields and fundamental forces) or Applied math at imperial. I always wanted to go onto study Quantum field theory , general relativity and quantum computing and cryptography. I would love to study a PhD in this area...
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