Search results

  1. Cornell MPS Statistics

    what was your undergrad and work background like to be accepted into this program?
  2. Financial/stochastic calculus

    this info is really great guys, follow up question though on courses that are relevant to a career in FE. What is emphasized more, calculus background or a stats background?
  3. Cornell MPS Statistics

    the sort of quantitative course work i've seen in a few programs looks to be pretty similar between the two fields
  4. Cornell MPS Statistics

    cornell mps stats thanks for all the input and i already have the cash set aside from working at ibm the last two years so money really isn't an issue, i was more wondering if anyones ever heard of the program and if it would be a good stepping stone to getting into a financial engineering or...
  5. Cornell MPS Statistics

    cornell mps program hey, i'm looking into the mps program for next year, not sure of what sort of job prospects it might be able to bring but i'm really interested in stats and i actually work with a guy that graduated it in 2002. I feel like it would be a good place to start a career in quant...