Search results

  1. What are the GPA and GRE 50% range at various schools?

    I've never really seen any numbers for these. I'm aware that a lot of schools aren't publishing this information but I would like to see some good estimates. Anyone wanna give it a shot?
  2. "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    I started out university great with a 3.6 gpa my freshman year. However, my sophomore and junior years brought my overall gpa to around a 2.6. At the time, my sole major was a bs in the hardest major offered at my university. The reason for my poor performance was a complete lack of goals...
  3. Defending MFE degrees against Paul Wilmott

    Reading through the journals, a lot of the articles use the same streamline of thought with the only real differences being that the thought process is applied to different factors. If the trend contiues of mfes outnumbering people from other fields, the number of articles fitting this pattern...