Search results

  1. kbharadwaj

    Housing in Manhattan over summer

    Hi folks, Been ages since I posted a topic on Quantnet. I am looking for housing over summer (essentially for 10 weeks) in Manhattan. Does anybody here have an apartment to sublet or has any friend who's looking for a roomie over the summer? If so, kindly let me know. Thank you, Bharadwaj
  2. kbharadwaj

    an FE degree vs an FE certificate

    Seriously, nobody cares about a certificate or a degree. It is what you know that they care, neither a degree nor a certificate can prove that! Practical experience is what and will matter.. but, relatively degree has an upper hand.
  3. kbharadwaj

    Should I go for PHD ?

    Well as pointed out by Andy and Joy, do not enter in to PHD just for money reasons or for obvious job reasons, rather go for a PHD if and only if you are interested, else do not even think about it. If you are still pinned on to going for a PHD, then I would suggest that you go for an...
  4. kbharadwaj

    Cornell FE I scored 98 in IBT toefl test, should I applied to Cornell's MFE

    Do not put an end to your top MFE journey because of a stupid toefl exam, give it again, do well, and apply!
  5. kbharadwaj

    Optimum bond portfolio selection

    Joy - Not my homework, and nothing related to what my stat arb homework is too. Bob - I used to montecarlo to come up with the amount of pay off, and then determined the number of bonds from that. Then randomly selected combinations of AAA and AA bonds because their default rate is 0, thus...
  6. kbharadwaj

    Optimum bond portfolio selection

    Hi, I am looking at various bonds (20 bonds) and I would like to find an optimum bond portfolio consisting of 2 bonds that would result in allocating my $300 million portfolio thus matching my liabilities. Could any one come up with an algo that would help me in coming up with the optimum...
  7. kbharadwaj

    NYU MSMF Invitation to Courant Seminar on US Mean-Reversion and FX Optimal Pairs on Oct 12th (Tues 5:30pm)

    Jim, Is it open to everybody? or just for the folks from the alpha quant club?
  8. kbharadwaj

    Stochastic Calculus Financial Calculus : An Introduction to Derivative Pricing (9780521552899): Martin Baxter, Andrew Rennie: Books
  9. kbharadwaj

    financial software developer - bloomberg

    They came to my campus last week and also today. For internships, they are strictly looking for people who had an undergrad in Computer science. The job is highly coding oriented. You are supposed to code extensively in C++ and C#. The guy said Unix knowledge is also very important. Hope this helps.
  10. kbharadwaj

    Final Short list universities which accept GMAT scores

    If I were you, this would be the order of the shortlisted universities. 1) Baruch 2) CMU 3) Princeton 4) Georgia Tech 5) Urbana Champaign 6) Boston, Rutgers, Claremont.
  11. kbharadwaj

    2010 Annual Quantnet Central Park Picnic

    Thank you Andy. I would sure come. :)
  12. kbharadwaj

    Neural Networks and Reservoir Computing

    Thank you Prof. Daniel Duffy. I would be using C for my neural networks. In fact I started using it. Again, what do you think about neural networks in finance in general?
  13. kbharadwaj

    Neural Networks and Reservoir Computing

    I agree that there are fewer inputs. But I am participating in this competition at the end of the semester which is all about stock forecasting using NN and my instructor said we should use Reservoir Computing for the application to be more accurate. There is also a book called "Visual...
  14. kbharadwaj

    Neural Networks and Reservoir Computing

    Hi, I am taking a Neural Networks course this Fall in my university and my instructor is very inclined towards its application in the field of finance. I would like to know (from the ones who have applied neural networks for finance and from others who are in the field of quant finance) that...
  15. kbharadwaj

    Advice on PHD applications

    Hi, I am posting this on behalf of my room-mate who is an MBA in Finance at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and is interested in pursuing his PHD in finance mostly oriented towards asset pricing and investments or math finance.. (mostly quantitative finance). Could you kindly suggest good...
  16. kbharadwaj

    India’s $35 Tablet Laptop

    I agree with Joy. I come from India and I believe that this device would be in the hands of every individual here. Also, this device would be a huge hit in India among the teenagers and the school going kids who just want "some" device to flaunt. :D However, I agree with Andy in case of this...
  17. kbharadwaj

    IIT Stuart or Fox school of busines???

    Fox is listed for its MBA program, not for its MFE.
  18. kbharadwaj

    IIT Stuart or Fox school of busines???

    Both are second tier. Actually Fox comes under third tier. Placements are really bad at both places. But IIT's curriculum is good and it has many concentrations, so you could choose any course you are interested in and make your MFE a customized degree. :D
  19. kbharadwaj

    Recommended reading for readers who know little or nothing about Finance

    Sanket, I agree with you and Andy. These books are very very general and are for those who have ample amount of time. For those who do not have enough time, the books you suggested and the books from the Master Reading List would very much suffice. However, this list would be helpful for...
  20. kbharadwaj

    Recommended reading for readers who know little or nothing about Finance

    I hope this compilation is of some help for the ones who keep asking for suggestions on few basic books on finance.
  21. kbharadwaj

    Recommended reading for readers who know little or nothing about Finance

    For Readers Who Know Little or Nothing About Finance Ben-Horim, Moshe and Haim Levy. Statistics Decisions and Applications in Business and Economics, 2nd ed. New York: Random House Business Division. [1984]. Basic Business Statistics text with lots of nice finance examples. Perhaps the...
  22. kbharadwaj

    Interview with Dr. Steven Shreve of CMU

    Very good work Joy. The answers were detailed and the questions were very relevant.
  23. kbharadwaj

    NYU student with 100K loan

    Actually there are programs like Financial Engineering in India too. There is the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Kolkata which teaches Financial Engineering courses for its MBA students, but does not give the name Financial Engineering to it. These are the guys who get on to the trading...
  24. kbharadwaj

    Affordable Cell Phone plans...

    Plans for India Does anyone here know any good plans so that I could make calls to India in the night and on the weekends?
  25. kbharadwaj

    NYU student with 100K loan

    In India there is a loan limit. One can borrow only 0.2 million rupees (~42,000$) from a single bank. The rest has to be bore by the student/parent. However, they also have the option to take loan from two banks if their tuition is humongous, say 75k. But mostly students in India who plan to go...
  26. kbharadwaj

    Affordable Cell Phone plans...

    Joy, I was looking for same sort of plans. However, mine is a different case wherein I would have to make calls to India during night and the weekends. If you come across any good plan, kindly let me know.
  27. kbharadwaj

    NYU student with 100K loan

    I agree with atreides. I checked out her profile and read that article and was astonished to see that she took out a 100k loan for those subjects. 100k is way too much for them. However, it is her own decision. We are no one to mock at her decision. Regardless of whatever it is, she has a 100k...
  28. kbharadwaj

    MFE or Bust!

    Very good post Mannya. Really inspiring. Your decision is sure a good one and I wish you all the best things in your life. You would go ahead and achieve great heights.
  29. kbharadwaj

    RPI Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics

    RPI's FERA has its first graduating class this May. 5 out of the 7 graduating students have secured job offers and the rest have chosen a decision to pursue PHD.
  30. kbharadwaj

    To Oil or Not to Oil: Part One

    Good post bro. This reading gave me a head start to my commodity trading research. Also this is a good one because it has all intricate details dished out with light and sweet oil. :D
  31. kbharadwaj

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    @joy: I believe he meant Georgia Tech, but if it's GSU that he is referring to, I comply with your lol. :D
  32. kbharadwaj

    best C++ beginner book

    What Prof. Daniel Duffy says is absolutely true. Go through this post: No Programming Experience - Forum | Quant Network However, if you have little less than 3-4 months for your program to begin, then I say go for Absolute C++. Coming across your other posts, I get a feeling that you...
  33. kbharadwaj

    Finance jobs in non-finance firms.

    That is actually a lot man. Could quantitative business analysis come under MFE?
  34. kbharadwaj

    Recommended reading for a beginner

    Yea same here bro. I am going to Rensselaer now. However, all the best man. :)
  35. kbharadwaj

    Finance jobs in non-finance firms.

    Alain, actually that was my question too :D Anyway, I believe Joy has made a good post. I come from a Mechanical Engineering background so working in the trading divisions of an oil company or in the risk management department of any firm is not a bad idea because when there are very few...
  36. kbharadwaj

    Finance jobs in non-finance firms.

    Hi, Considering the bad market situation, how would a finance job in a non-finance firm be? What sort of careers can a financial engineer expect in the non-finance firms?
  37. kbharadwaj

    RPI Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics

    Facebook group:!/group.php?gid=115959795095604&ref=mf The FERA graduates and prospective students are free to join this group.
  38. kbharadwaj

    No Programming Experience

    Ok I did not read that. However due to time constraints I choose C++ directly.
  39. kbharadwaj

    No Programming Experience

    Hey thanks a lot man for your reply. I already downloaded both the volumes. Started giving it (vol 1) a read too. Now depending on the comfort level I would decide whether I would be buying it or continuing with the pdf alone.
  40. kbharadwaj

    No Programming Experience

    Thank you alain. I saw the two volumes of these books today at a bookstore, thought they were too heavy. :D However, I came back home and read very good reviews on these books everywhere on the internet. I guess this book sure is good.
  41. kbharadwaj

    No Programming Experience

    Ok. I have thought a lot about this. I am planning to start off with C programming and then I move on to C++. Reading all the posts by the programmers and the other practitioners out here I believe that C would actually be a base for any programming language, only that syntax would be different...
  42. kbharadwaj

    No Programming Experience

    Sir, Does this mean that it is in my self-interest itself to give a read to a book on C Programming? However, thank you for your post.
  43. kbharadwaj

    No Programming Experience

    If this were the case, then I don't see any problem understanding C++ without any prior programming experience whatsoever.
  44. kbharadwaj

    No Programming Experience

    But in my case, it is C++ for Financial applications. So do you still think C and then C++?
  45. kbharadwaj

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    MFE/MMF rankings of relatively newer programs Hi, I will volunteer my time to help prepare similar rankings for the newer programs (less than 3 years old) so they dont go un-noticed and at the same time they don't skew the rankings of the older programs. This would be really helpful for the...
  46. kbharadwaj

    No Programming Experience

    Thanks joy for your post.
  47. kbharadwaj

    No Programming Experience

    Hey Roni, thanks for your reply mate. Could you upload the Absolute C++ pdf?
  48. kbharadwaj

    No Programming Experience

    Thank you iddqd, elloit and Andy for your responses. I would start with C++ directly. I would have a look at the books suggested by you both and choose one which I am most comfortable with. Thank you again.
  49. kbharadwaj

    No Programming Experience

    Thank you for your reply. Which would be good book for C++ for a novice?
  50. kbharadwaj

    No Programming Experience

    Hi, I am attending the Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for Fall 2010. I do not have any programming experience what so ever. I come from a mechanical engineering background. I have C++, VBA and R programming languages in my curriculum. So...
  51. kbharadwaj

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    I second that. (Andy's view)
  52. kbharadwaj

    Claremont/ IIT/ RIT/ UNCC

    I would say that you have to decide between Rutgers and IIT. Where do you want to work? NYC? then go to rutgers. If not, then IIT.
  53. kbharadwaj

    NEW MFE Rankings ???

    I don't think he would do that. Columbia MSFE would be taken in to account alone, as far as I know. Any comment Joy?
  54. kbharadwaj

    Claremont/ IIT/ RIT/ UNCC

    Ok, If I were you I would pick up Rutgers from the list. By the way, is it msmf or MQF?
  55. kbharadwaj

    Claremont/ IIT/ RIT/ UNCC

    Really?!? Why do you think it sucks? Are you a current student there? ---------- Post added at 06:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:38 AM ---------- ARD: I feel that you should go to IIT considering all the factors such as curriculum, location, cost, placement statistics, faculty...
  56. kbharadwaj

    Fortysomething doing an MFE and entering the industry?

    100 hours a week.. Phew! That is 20 hour a day. Really?!? Omg.. ! Scared!
  57. kbharadwaj

    How to prepare for Financial Engineering programs, Part 1

    bwc: Kindly look at my plan for preparation of MFE and give a suggestion. Thank you. On a personal front, I come from a mechanical engineering background too. I had used Matlab for engineering purposes and also had C, C++ in my course ware during my first year of engineering alone. Currently I...
  58. kbharadwaj

    Help with housing at Troy, NY

    Thanks a ton man.
  59. kbharadwaj

    Movie Futures Trading?

    For sure a sound investment in India.
  60. kbharadwaj

    How to prepare for Financial Engineering programs, Part 1

    It was a very good post bro. On a personal front, I come from a mechanical engineering background too. I had used Matlab for engineering purposes and also had C, C++ in my course ware during my first year of engineering alone. Currently I am building on finance knowledge by preparing for CFA...
  61. kbharadwaj

    MFE chances straight out of undergrad?

    There are so many people who get in to MFE right after their undergrad. I am one such example. For MFE, all you need is good math and programming skills coupled with knowledge in finance. However, few give admissions even if you do not have any of these. Best, Bharadwaj
  62. kbharadwaj

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Hey achilles, I would say that your profile does seem ok. Also which college are you from? IIT? NIT? Anyway, do well on your GRE general test and take your GRE Math subject test too so that you could offset your poor math grades. Also, you seem to have an year before you start your MFE...
  63. kbharadwaj

    Help with housing at Troy, NY

    Hi folks, I would be attending Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's financial engineering and risk analytics program for Fall 2010. I need some help with the housing. Does any one on Quantnet have any faintest of idea about housing in Troy, NY?
  64. kbharadwaj

    COMPARE MSOR (Minor FE) in Cornell vs Columbia MSOR

    Akshath, call the admissions department and tell that you need the contact emails of few current students of MSOR, they sure would help you out. That is what I did to contact the current students of my program. Hope that helps.
  65. kbharadwaj

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Which college are you from in India? IIT? NIT? Anyway, your experience should get you in to a good MFE program. That said, if you have a higher GRE Quant score you might have a very good chance of getting admitted to the top 10 programs too.
  66. kbharadwaj


    From the time I signed up on Quantnet, I had the habit of reading all the posts, and I did read this one too. Reading this post made me regret that why do I keep reading all the posts. :wall Really scary stuff..! OMG! #-o Yeah Joy why did you even start this post..
  67. kbharadwaj

    COMPARE MSOR (Minor FE) in Cornell vs Columbia MSOR

    Why don't you guys find out the statistics by calling up the department and/or career services department of Columbia. That would give you a better idea, because neither of you are a current or previous student of the MSOR, so I feel asking the respective departments would be your best bet...
  68. kbharadwaj


    lol, good one. By the way, Rutgers MSMF would be a better option when compared to USC's MSMF. Although think about the great parties you might miss at if you do not go to USC. Makes sense?!?
  69. kbharadwaj

    RPI Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics

    Another update regarding FERA: Correction of the previous statement: 5 out of their 9 students have secured jobs and also accepted the offers.
  70. kbharadwaj

    MSc Finance -Illinois Tech (IIT)

    Good review bro..
  71. kbharadwaj

    COMPARE looking for advice fsu vs wpi

    Chartered Financial Analyst.. Yes it is indeed an exam. You can take that up before you start your program. Google it..
  72. kbharadwaj

    COMPARE looking for advice fsu vs wpi

    You could pursue CFA level I. That would sure help you in your present and future. That should help.
  73. kbharadwaj

    RPI Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics

    Got an update on the placement statistics of the FERA graduates (although they still did not graduate yet) This is what the Career Services person said: As a matter of fact, we have confirmed that 3 of our 8 FERA students, or 38%, have accepted offers of employment. I am also happy to say...
  74. kbharadwaj

    COMPARE Uconn finance phd VS Rutgers finance phd

    Rutgers I guess.. although I would like to know whether the PHD program is connected to their business school?
  75. kbharadwaj

    COMPARE looking for advice fsu vs wpi

    WPI gets my vote considering their curriculum and location. Although FSU is good too, you would not have location advantage. FYI>> WPI too does not have a great location advantage, although it is quite better than FSU's location because of it's approximity to Boston, NY etc.
  76. kbharadwaj

    COMPARE LSE Vs. Cornell

    I second that opinion.
  77. kbharadwaj

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    You sure can ask for an extension as I guess you would hear about your decision from Columbia at the end of April.
  78. kbharadwaj

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    When's your rutgers deadline? They let you know of your MSOR decision in two weeks I reckon.
  79. kbharadwaj

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Yes, it would be, as far as I know. Although before that just make sure what you want to do rest of your life. Best, Bharadwaj
  80. kbharadwaj

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Odds of landing a job alone, being an international student depends on your proactiveness, networking skills, alumni connections, and various other economy related factors. Oh yea, how well you do in your program is also an importnat factor though. And regarding stratetigic consulting job, do...
  81. kbharadwaj

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    oh god, funny! Anyway, Rohan what do you want to do? A strategic consulting role or a quant job in the field of finance? Your search for the better option lies in this question.. Answer that, and you should be fine.
  82. kbharadwaj

    COMPARE Columbia MSOR vs. BU MSFM vs. Rutgers-MQF vs. Claremont MFE

    Yes, that is exactly what he means. The alumni is a perfect way to network. That would sure help you. Also, more the number of students, more is the discussion among the students. Although it sure does have one more disadvantage.. the concentration of faculty on each student decreases as the...
  83. kbharadwaj

    NYU MSMF NYU-Poly: New center tackles finance issues and risks

    @vds: There is no Financial Engineering and Risk Analysis program at Poly.. There is just a Financial Engineering program. Also, there is a Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Regarding, Poly NYU's MSFE program, go through the forum, it has...
  84. kbharadwaj

    RPI Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics

    @joy: Thanks for the courtesy.
  85. kbharadwaj

    RPI Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics

    Ok, so there is no financial aid avaialble for the MS students.. official notification by the Admissions Director. Sad!
  86. kbharadwaj

    Ask for advice

    Even Claremont has MBA/MFE option..
  87. kbharadwaj

    RPI Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics

    Yes, I did. They would be declaring it by tomorrow I reckon, if one happens to be on the first pool of applicants.
  88. kbharadwaj

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Ah cool. Best, Bharadwaj
  89. kbharadwaj

    Washington University in St. Louis MS Finance

    There's a review of this program on quantnet, you better go through that. here's the link..
  90. kbharadwaj

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Yep, call them up. No harm in doing so..
  91. kbharadwaj

    Baruch MFE Baruch Application Modification

    Contact the admission, they will sure help you out.
  92. kbharadwaj

    Can someone recommend some prerequisite books?

    that's ok. Browse through the forum, and you'll find lot of useful stuff before you start your graduate studies. By the way, which school are you attending?
  93. kbharadwaj

    Can someone recommend some prerequisite books?

    lol, anyway, here you go: browse through this master reading list: Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students - Forum | Quant Network
  94. kbharadwaj

    Financial Engineering stuff for Indian students

    Yea it sure has got super fame in India. It's the best school for the ones who are interested in Finance. By the way, requirements: Btech IIT (this is high time sick): gross! I had a 710 on GMAT, and I thought this would be a cake walk, but hell they proved me wrong. Indian Econ is a vast...
  95. kbharadwaj

    Financial Engineering stuff for Indian students

    @joy: There's a Financial Engineering masters program at IFMR. I applied there, got a straight reject because of my low undergrad percentage. Anyway, an admission there is not an easy one. They have a math test too and you sure know how insane the Indian math is.. Anyway, good post bro!
  96. kbharadwaj

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Just call the admissions department and find out, or email them again (say 2 times a day)
  97. kbharadwaj

    Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

    Why don't you just contact them through email or through phone? I think all of them have heard from MSOR.
  98. kbharadwaj

    Discussion on RPI FERA Curriculum

    Guys, any more views, please feel free to drop by a reply.
  99. kbharadwaj

    MFE -> Investment Banking?

    You might be wrong, although I do not always count that down. One of my friend was working for Oracle as a DBA before he attended Wharton School of Business. He took MBA Finance, and landed himself with a financial consulting job with a handsome pay. He's just not the one example. I've got...
  100. kbharadwaj

    Discussion on RPI FERA Curriculum

    First, thank you for the reply. I chose Baruch's program as a benchmark. This program has sure got the flexibility that you talked about. The financial technology track sure would be the one that I would take up because of my desire to work in that field. Also I really hope that they add...
  101. kbharadwaj

    Discussion on RPI FERA Curriculum

    Hi, My name is Bharadwaj. I would be attending Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics program for Fall 2010. I come from an Engineering background, and I am currently preparing for the prerequisite courses for the Fall semester. I am also preparing for CFA...
  102. kbharadwaj

    Any Math courses?

    ODE- Ordinary Differential Equations PDE- Partial Differential Equations For Finance knowledge, the CFA level I material would come handy. or Take Financial Management I and II.
  103. kbharadwaj

    Getting started

    Ya bro, this is one awesome forum.
  104. kbharadwaj

    Getting started

    Hi, First, forgive me if I am in the wrong place. As this post was all about "Getting Started", I wanted to ask about how do I get started for my program, which is Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics at Lally School of Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for Fall 2010. I have 4-5...
  105. kbharadwaj

    Admit from UNCC

    The placement statistics have not been bad before 2008. But due to the market downfall, the placement statistics sure went down. Charlotte area sure has an advantage though.
  106. kbharadwaj

    2010 Claremont Graduate University

    20% fellowship aid.
  107. kbharadwaj

    2010 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

    Most flexible curriculum was the real reason for me to apply in here.
  108. kbharadwaj

    RPI Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics

    Hey dude, Nice to meet you here on Quantnet! I've added you on Gtalk. Let's chat in there.
  109. kbharadwaj

    RPI Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics

    Here's the curriculum: Kindly find the attached document.
  110. kbharadwaj

    Quantnet MFE Application Tracker

    Hi, I am here to inquire about financial engineering and risk analytics program at Lally School of Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Insitute, Troy, NY. Timeline: 1 month
  111. kbharadwaj

    Admit from UNCC

    ping me on or write to me at
  112. kbharadwaj

    Really basic calculus book

    You might check this out:
  113. kbharadwaj

    Any comments on the UIUC MFE program?

    I have been going through the same dilemma over choosing schools. I have got an admit for MS in Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics program at Lally School of Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY for Fall 2010. They started thier program in Fall 2009. I also have an admit...
  114. kbharadwaj

    Internships and other Summer Activities

    That Andy is the best advice ever given. I second that.
  115. kbharadwaj

    Student reviewers of MFE programs

    I did, but all I feel is that a request from Quantnet would sure make them tell more about their program.
  116. kbharadwaj

    Student reviewers of MFE programs

    Hey Andy, could you kindly write to the director of the Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and get some information about the program?
  117. kbharadwaj

    Really basic calculus book

    For very basic calculus: Refer to This books starts explaining from scratch. You might find it useful.
  118. kbharadwaj

    RPI Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics

    Have you guys checked out the curriculum? I do (partially) believe that this does seem to be a case of direct marketing. But 4 out of the 7-8 students have already got job offers. Their curriculum is very flexible, and although they do not have an internship opportunity, one can do an intern, if...
  119. kbharadwaj

    RPI Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics

    Hi, I have been recently admitted for Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for Fall 2010. I have a got an unofficial review of the financial engineering and Risk analytics program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Information: Degree...
  120. kbharadwaj

    2010 Claremont Graduate University - Accepted

  121. kbharadwaj

    Admit from UNCC

    Guys kindly post replies regarding UNCC program.
  122. kbharadwaj

    2010 NYU Tandon School of Engineering - Accepted

  123. kbharadwaj

    Admit from UNCC

    Hi, I have been admitted for the Mathematical Finance program at University of North Carolina, Charlotte for Fall 2010. Does any one have any review about this program, university, job opportunities and various other factors? Kindly post anything you know. Thank you.
  124. kbharadwaj

    Recommended reading for a beginner

    Have you heard about the Georgia State university's Mathematical Risk management program? I am also inclined towards CGU dude, but the only concern being the money! ---------- Post added at 11:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 PM ---------- @joyride: what's your gmail or yahoo or...
  125. kbharadwaj

    Recommended reading for a beginner

    So, are you planning to join CGU? Need more fellowship money man. 20 or 25% is too less which altogether makes the tuition no less. Isn't it?
  126. kbharadwaj

    Recommended reading for a beginner

    Yea, 20% fellowship. How about you?
  127. kbharadwaj

    2010 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Accepted

  128. kbharadwaj

    Student reviewers of MFE programs

    Anyone with a review about Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics? or about Georgia State university's Mathematical Risk Management program?
  129. kbharadwaj

    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Financial Engineering

    Hi, I got an admit from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Lally school of management for its MS in Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics program for Fall 2010. I need a review of that program. Could you guys post a review of this school and the program. Thank you...
  130. kbharadwaj

    Crowdsourcing: Create a master list of all MFE program

    Andy, I have got an admit from the RPI's Lally school of management for Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics program for Fall 2010. How good is this program? Do you know any current students? And also how are the employment statistics?
  131. kbharadwaj

    Urgent Assistance Required!

    For universities
  132. kbharadwaj

    Crowdsourcing: Create a master list of all MFE program

    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Lally School of Management (NYC): Financial Engineering and Risk Analytics: 1 year program Tuition fee: $38,000 Temple University, Fox School of Business (PA): Financial Engineering: 1 year program Tuition fee: $21,000
  133. kbharadwaj

    2010 NYU Tandon School of Engineering

    Accepted way too long back. Sorry for late update.
  134. kbharadwaj

    Admission Criteria

    8) Major GPA 9) GRE quant score 12) GRE verbal score 11) TOFEL (if needed) 6) Recommendations 5) Personal statement 1) Math courses 7) Programming skills 2) Work/internship experiences and financial background 10) Prestigiousness of previous universities 4) Interview 3) Research
  135. kbharadwaj

    Recommended reading for a beginner

    Andy, How have you been? I have read almost all the posts in the education tab of this forum. From that I have come to a conclusion that CGU's MSFE is a good program albeit a costly affair. That said, I would like you to say about Georgia State University's mathematical risk management...
  136. kbharadwaj

    Recommended reading for a beginner

    Hi, I have been admitted in to CGU's financial engineering and GSU's Mathematical Risk management for Fall 2010. I am completely new to the field of finance. Could you anyone out here in the forum kindly suggest me with a book that would deal with the basics of Finance and Risk management...
  137. kbharadwaj

    MS in Risk Management and Insurance with specialization in Mathematical Risk Management

    Hi, I have admitted by Georgia State University, J Mack Robinson College of Business in to the MS in Risk Management and Insurance with specialization in Mathematical Risk Management program for Fall 2010 semester. Does any one in here know anything about the university and the program...
  138. kbharadwaj

    2010 Claremont Graduate University - Interview

  139. kbharadwaj

    2010 NYU Tandon School of Engineering - Pending

  140. kbharadwaj

    2010 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Pending

  141. kbharadwaj

    2010 Claremont Graduate University - Pending

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