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    "Fannie, Freddie Could Hurt U.S. Credit" says S&P, From WSJ

    "While this credit crunch has hurt financial markets, S&P notes that it hasn't threatened the standing of the nation's credit quality upon which U.S. Treasurys and debt priced off this government debt depend. But should a protracted recession cause Fannie and Freddie to buckle, the U.S. rating...
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    Tim Sykes - An American hedge Fund

    Fair enough, I went ahead and bought the book online just now. Gotta say, it would be great if you could come in and speak sometime. I saw the dvd just two weeks ago, so it's still fresh in my mind. I hope you and Dan can make concrete arrangements.
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    Tim Sykes - An American hedge Fund

    Tim, I only saw Warriors, and that's how I know of you. I was just wondering if you can think about your mentality and perception of the business when you just started out, and talk about how that has evolved over the years. How would you say your strategies changed... etc.
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    Favorite books about wall street

    Oh, and "Investment Biker" by Jim Rogers, is a great read for fun and for investment knowledge. Mr. Rogers has made a killing through investing, he's very successful, and the book is great, because he travels around the world on a motorcycle and visits all the places which I wish to visit...
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    Favorite books about wall street

    Yes, Education of a Speculator was good. The guy's other book "Practical Speculation" wasn't so good, but still might be worth reading, just to get into the guy's head and see what he's really about. A book that hasn't been mentioned which I think should be on top of the list is "Stock Market...
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    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    I'm a little late, but Happy Belated Birthday Sunny! I hope you enjoyed successive overrelaxation throughout the day. It's nice, you work hard in summer time and then cap it off with a party. That's one of the many good things about being a virgo :)
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    The Master Happy Birthday thread

    wow, well thank you guys. I really did have a good birthday because after this summer, I really wanted to take a nice day off and just do nothing, and Ahh.,. it was so good!
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    class dinner time

    I'll make it whenever, but my vote is for a wednesday or thurday.
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