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  1. COMPARE Columbia Mathematics of Finance vs. Imperial Mathematics of Finace

    Andy, where would they post it? i've been checking the mafn website. Have you heard anything yet?
  2. Columbia MAFN Application deadline for Fall 2009 admission(Master in Mathematics of Finance, Columbia University)?

    Hi there, I've read that other ppl also have the impression the the math finance is a knock off. Can you elaborate? On what do you base your opinion on? I"m tyring to decide if I should go there or not. Thanks so much!
  3. COMPARE Columbia Mathematics of Finance vs. Imperial Mathematics of Finace

    Thanks! But I couldn't find anything on the math departmetn website or the math finance program website. Would you mind posting the link please? Thanks!
  4. COMPARE Columbia Mathematics of Finance vs. Imperial Mathematics of Finace

    Hi there, where did you get these numbers?
  5. COMPARE Columbia Math Finance or CMU MSCF

    Hey Everyone, I've been accepted to both columbia math finance and cmu mscf (new york campus) programs and trying to decide. I am thinking that columbia has a great overall reputation and a wide alumni network in new york and cmu has a great quality program. Can anyone offer how they view...
  6. Whats the difference between Columbia's programs?

    prospective columbia mafn student Hey there, do you know regarding placement and reputation regarding the three programs?