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  1. H

    another die question

    Thanks, Peter.
  2. H

    another die question

    Peter, shouldn’t the second equation for q be: q = 1/6 + 1/3*q + 1/2*p which is equivalent to: q = 1/6 + 1/3*(1-p) + 1/2*(1-q) Let me know if I am missing something.
  3. H

    C++ online certificate for MFE applicants

    Most of them cost in the range $350-750. Hopefully this will be affordable :)
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    NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Discussion

    I don't see a lot 0f NYU-MSMF results updated on the tracker recently. Looks like very few decisions were made this week.
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    2011 Columbia University

    Redirected from MSFE
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    2011 Columbia University - Interview

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    2011 Columbia University - Accepted

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    2011 Columbia University - Pending

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    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE Admission Discussion

    I also got redirected to MSOR. Is this program just a year long?
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    CMU MSCF Anyone got CMU Interview Invitation So far?

    Guys, sorry for the late response. In any case, I was interviewed on the 20th Jan and got accepted into the program on the 24th Jan.
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    2011 Carnegie Mellon University

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    2011 Carnegie Mellon University - Accepted

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    2011 Carnegie Mellon University - Interview

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    2011 Carnegie Mellon University - Pending

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    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

    If you submit your application earlier, say before the first round of evaluations, will you hear a decision soon or are all decisions made after April 1st?
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