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  1. drupollini

    COMPARE Baruch MFE vs NYU MathFin

    I see my classmates nearly every day. I've also gone skiing and seen movies with them, too, if that's the sort of thing you're looking for. A couple of the professors also regularly meet with students after class in the bars around school. Considering how small the quant world is and how...
  2. drupollini

    COMPARE Baruch MFE vs NYU MathFin

    Laura, as a current Baruch MFE student I wanted to address a few of the things that you and others have mentioned about NYU vs. Baruch. Brand name. I agree that if you find yourself at a cocktail party and mention “Baruch” many people won’t be familiar with the school. I have a feeling that...
  3. drupollini

    Number of words to learn for GRE?

    2 months is a lot of time if you want to be serious about it. 3500 words is ambitious, but I doubt you will need to review all 3500 (you'll know a lot of them already). same goes for the 1500, which makes me think that it might be a little too conservative. maybe try a mixed solution? master...
  4. drupollini

    Number of words to learn for GRE?

    It depends on where you're scoring and how much time you're giving yourself. If you're higher scoring and have a lot of time, I'd recommend going through Barron's (the one with 3500, which is the best for vocab) and making a vocab card for each word you're not 100% solid on. But, keep in mind...
  5. drupollini

    Baruch MFE The 2011-2012 Pre-MFE Program at Baruch College

    This program is a great opportunity. A year ago, as someone without a Ph.D. in Physics or a Wall Street background, I probably would have had a 0% chance of getting into quantitative finance if it weren’t for the Pre-MFE program. I went into it pretty strong in math but with very little...
  6. drupollini

    Baruch MFE Getting Ready for MFE program in the Fall

    When I said I had re-read Savitch's Problem Solving with C++, I really meant that I had first read Absolute C++ and then Problem Solving. As far as I can tell they're almost identical. I got Problem Solving (7th ed) because its the textbook for the refresher. I'll check out Prata, though. I'd...
  7. drupollini

    Baruch MFE Getting Ready for MFE program in the Fall

    Here are some other peoples' suggestions: Master Reading List for Quants, MFE students Joy Pathak's experience: How to Prepare for Financial Engineering Programs
  8. drupollini

    Baruch MFE Getting Ready for MFE program in the Fall

    I'm sure I am not alone in wanting to be as prepared as possible for the MFE program when it starts in the Fall. The program offers a lot of help with the Summer Refresher courses, but I find myself with a ton of time that I'm trying to fill with improving my weaknesses. Here's some of what...
  9. drupollini

    MAC or Windows laptop for MFE students?

    Any progress on the laptop yet? I'm thinking of getting the x220 from CostCentral in time for the C++ refresher.