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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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aim for MFE as an traditional or financial engineering undergraduate?

I am a second year Engineering Science students from University of Toronto.
We have two years' general engineering courses (bio,material,civil, quantum, ece,cs,thermo, aero, etc.)
And we've taken three very theoretical calculus courses, DE, lin alg, vector cal, statistics with cal.
Now we will choose our options for the next two years. My plan is to go to MFE directly after graduation and I could take one year off to have an paid experience year which means I would need three years more to graduate. I know FE requires a lot programming skills (we've learnt python, c, and i know JAVA, C++ as well). So my current plan is to go to the math&finance option or go to ECE option. Can you guys give me some advice?
As for research&internship, I will have a summer research related to ECE/CS this summer. should I look for finance related interns?
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That's what we would learn if enter Math&finance option