Baruch MS in Finance - any takes?

I know this isn't really a quant degree, but well, it's a poor man's approximation of the same :)
Was wondering about the quality of this course. It's not mathematically / quantitatively(in the QA sense) intensive but I intend to corroborate it with my current work ex- Risk technology and a lot of hard work on the side. How would this place me one year from now? I know I can't expect the same results as a MFE, but will it be comparable?

Well, I think people are not so easily deceived and can distinguish between MFE and MF. So, it depends on what do you want to do in the future. MF might fit for trading or M&A, but not so much for quantitative positions.
Well, the intention isn't to deceive anybody and have it pass off as an MFE but to cover atleast the non Quant/Math parts of an MFE and maybe later do something like the CQF / FRM to bridge gaps and be specialized in the direction I choose later. I'm looking at either being on the pure quants side - building models etc (which would lead to the choice of a CQF) or Front Office Risk (the FRM track) with quant background...

I'm also interested in knowing the reputation of this course in general and how it would be regarded in an IB environment.
It is an exec program so unless you have solid work experience, this isn't for you. Baruch is a good school, but wont really help you when it comes to front office banking type work.
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