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Best area of work for internship--need help

I am planning to apply for FE for the next fall and to improve my profile(As i screwed up my gre(1160--800q+360v) and so i am doing an internship in finance field.
Could you please advice me what is the best area to work on which will improve my chances for an admission???
Im at present working on Asset Management in Mutual funds(SIP quant based work)
Do you suggest any other areas to work on sumthing like Merchant Banking or Trading??

And could you also please tell me which GRE scores are considered for admissions in case of multiple gre's (the best or average or latest)???
Your GRE is not that bad as you might think. MFE programs are looking for the quant part of it mainly and you have perfect 800 there. 360v - you should find the way to explain this fact in your admission essay.

As to internship, you should try to get in the place where you wish to work after MFE, or at least a similar place. It may happen that after some experience with this internship you will realize that you don't need MFE after all.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
So could you please tell me what other better areas to work on if not in Asset Management???