Canadian Junior Trader MIT MFin check

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone had opinions on my odds of getting into MIT's MFin, or LSE Finance & Economics programs. Any advice is appreciated.

- 2.5 years xp on an FO short term interest rate desk in Toronto (at one of RBC/TD/BAML), am about to get my fist promotion after running my own (tight) risk for the past ~1yr.
- 3.55 gpa in ugrad econ 3.84 in ugrad management/commerce at a top canadian school (I had <50 in a mathematical finance course in first year, repeated a few courses that semester at 3.7's+). Killed my 3rd and 4th year (90 avg)
- Recommendation letters from a) program director my school's MSF program (taught me an advanced econ course, did a bit of research with him), and b) a director level trader I work with
- 730 GMAT
- Took Real Analysis 1 and a Stochastic Calc course through night classes (3.7+ in both) after graduation
- Passed CFA level 3 this past June
- Regularly use vba, python, and sql in my job
- I have a compelling (and true) story why I want to leave my job to go back to school (I'd say I interview well)
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Hi, cantrader

I would say that you have almost 100% chance lock in the MIT MFin. I have a classmate got the admission a few years ago with a scholarship. You definitely has much stronger background than him. The MIT MFin might not be as attractive as before. The number of students almost doubled than the first year. And a lot are from China. Not sure how many students can land a job in trading after graduation. My friend end up not going MIT.

I would say the Princeton MFin might be a better choice for you. Courses there are more comprehensive and placement is great. You can find the placement in the link below.

Placement - Placement - Bendheim Center for Finance - Princeton University

Anyway, I'm also working in a bank in Toronto. So PM me if you want to have more discussion.
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