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In terms of these programs I don't think you can really go wrong. Honestly, I don't think that there will probably be a huge difference in your education from either. From what I've seen all the programs are pretty similar. Stochastic calc, quant risk management, monte carlo simulation... this will be part of any mfe/comp fin curriculum. I really can't speak too much regarding CMU because I don't know a whole lot about them. I can tell you personally that I would have chosen Columbia if I were in your shoes because the televised classes was a major turn off to me. Both schools have fantastic alumni networks, industry contacts, and employment reports. So in terms of getting a job any difference is probably negligible. I don't know a ton about CMU's curriculum but I liked Columbia's because it offered a fair amount of specialization. Not sure how CMU stacks up in that regard. Also one major factor is that I will be at Columbia next year. I'm a really cool guy, and handsome too. Just something to consider.

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