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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

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  • Thread starter Thread starter Vixus
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I finished the video
Basically, for each question, you can record the video twice, between which, you have infinite time to prepare.
Questions are behavioral, i was interviewed about why MFE and Columbia, how peers describe my character, a funny story, a project that is meaningful and what questions do you have to our team.
Good luck everybody
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I finished the video
Basically, for each question, you have two choice, between which, you have infinite time to prepare.
Questions are behavioral, i was interviewed about why MFE and Columbia, how peers describe my character, a funny story, a project that is meaningful and what questions do you have to our team.
Good luck everybody
Thank you! So we have to finish one question before seeing the next one?
I finished the video
Basically, for each question, you have two choice, between which, you have infinite time to prepare.
Questions are behavioral, i was interviewed about why MFE and Columbia, how peers describe my character, a funny story, a project that is meaningful and what questions do you have to our team.
Good luck everybody
Thank you a lot! By the way, will the website keep our first record of each question?
I finished the video
Basically, for each question, you have two choice, between which, you have infinite time to prepare.
Questions are behavioral, i was interviewed about why MFE and Columbia, how peers describe my character, a funny story, a project that is meaningful and what questions do you have to our team.
Good luck everybody
two choices means - we can record same question at the max twice?
But you said unlimited time for preparation right? I am sorry but could you please explain what do you mean by 10 secs for preparation then?
ehhh,,,I mean for each new question, at the first chance, you will have 10 seconds for preparation..After you finish that, you can choose to re-record. In this interval, it's like a endless pause, and you can do whatever you want until you click continue or re-record