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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vixus
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Got an email about being on the waitlist for the MSFE and I have the option to either stay on the waitlist or switch to being considered for MSOR. Any inputs, opinions, or suggestions?
Got an email about being on the waitlist for the MSFE and I have the option to either stay on the waitlist or switch to being considered for MSOR. Any inputs, opinions, or suggestions?

Just got an email saying they would like to redirect me to MSOR.

You'd better ask whether there is someone who havent decided to go; otherwise, the chance is very low.
Just got an email saying they would like to redirect me to MSOR.

You'd better ask whether there is someone who havent decided to go; otherwise, the chance is very low.

I have also been redirected to MSOR. I'm actually considering applying, sounds interesting.

What about you?
Same here. Also admitted by Columbia MAFN, now debating between MAFN and MSOR. Any suggestions?