Columbia MFE vs GS IBD Summer Analyst

Hi, I have been admitted to the Columbia MFE program, and the SA position for GS IBD for 2014.

I am currently having a hard time choosing which to pursue, since both seem like different but great opportunities, the latter with a fairly high chance of full-time offer.

I am happy to work in IBD(I already have extensive experience through internship so I know what they do and the hours etc.) but I am also happy crunching numbers and programming, so an MFE degree also sounds like a delight.
But I do feel like 2~3y work experience would be extremely valuable, and if I find myself wanting to pursue and MFE or an MBA/MFE joint program, I could always do it after a couple years in IBD.

Just wanted to know what you guys thought. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
SA position in Seoul? Is this the same place you are interning at atm?
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i'd rather go with the analyst in IBD.
Honestly, work experience is much more valuable as wht u've suggested above. And since you have already been admitted to the MFE program, it does prove your qualification and ability to get access to this specific master degree, then after few years' ibd work experience, when you really have a clear idea of your job position, it certainly won't be hard for you to join MFE program again. I personally know lots of ppl struggling in the same situation as yours, most of them choose the latter(to work first), and they are doing very well and don't want to go back to school anymore :)
Is there a clash? You can certainly finish the program in one year, it is just several weeks late enrollment. That is also what I'm planning to do.
I think this is a no brainer.

The summer analyst position would save you 1~1.5 years of time, ~$100,000 of money, and will likely secure you a job that many people want.
Plus, as an IB analyst, going to MFE will be an option, but as an MFE graduate, becoming an IB analyst is not necessarily an available option.