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Columbia University - MS in Operations Research

Columbia MSOR Columbia MSOR Admission Results

  • Thread starter Thread starter welian
  • Start date Start date
Guys a quick update on my status... I just received a email saying that I was put on the wait list of the MSOR program... Anyone know what is the chance of being admitted from the wait list? Thank you!
Guys a quick update on my status... I just received a email saying that I was put on the wait list of the MSOR program... Anyone know what is the chance of being admitted from the wait list? Thank you!
Did you guys go through an interview or direct waitlist?
Same, I had no interview and I have been wait-listed as well. Anyone know how the wait-list process works and that chances of getting an admit?
Same, I had no interview and I have been wait-listed as well. Anyone know how the wait-list process works and that chances of getting an admit?
Still on the wailist... Since like week ago... Haven't heard anything from them - - Basically rejected I suppose?
I only just got my waitlist notice yesterday, which stated I would hear back from them in early May. They must have a ranking order for the waitlist. Let's just hope this year a lot of people are turning down offers.