Columbia MSOR vs Cornell MFE vs Chicago MSMF

I've been admitted to all above programs, and the deadline for responding is rapidly approaching. I would like to get some advice on which program to attend.

My Background: Undergraduate in Finance and Math in the U.S, two finance internships in US large corporates, no full time experience. I actually don't desire a job in very quantitative roles (i.e. programming or research), my dream job is Investment Banking. Since I missed out my chances in undergrad, I'm going to graduate school to try again.

My Concerns:
  1. Columbia is a great school, but I've heard that people don't take the MSOR program seriously. There are more than 200 students in that program, and they struggle to find a job. However, their reported placement stats showed ~10% of students (who responded) work in IB.
  2. MFE in Cornell has a great reputation; however, the first year going to be in Ithaca which is not a very desirable location. The program in Cornell is also very quantitative, I'm afraid not be able to follow.
  3. I don't know much about the program in Chicago. Any information on classes and placements?
Thank you very much for reading through the long post. I appreciate any advice that you may have.
I would personnally choose Columbia.
Despite what some people may say, I doubt many recruiters know the subtle differences between the MSFE and MSOR programs at Columbia.

I wouldn't want to spend a year in Ithaca even if I was paid for it, but that's just me.

As for Chicago there seem to have been recent improvements to the program, and I think it is quite good. But the lack of information regarding placement statistics would make me go for Columbia MSOR. Both are good choices anyway.
ur obj is to find an entry level job, cornell has the best placement, way better than the rest, no brainer