Computer scientists to finance vs. traders/bankers to quants

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I notice various (if not frequent) posts from computer scientists interested in getting into (quant) finance on quantitative finance fora. While almost never people from finance trying to get into a more quantitative or computer engineering intensive role.

Why would that be? Is software engineering so boring/underpayed and bankers (non-quants) happy where they are? Or is the step from eg. sales/trader to quant too large?
Check out the movie floored. It's a movie about how many traders in Chicago has been replaced by computer geeks.

Computer scientists have an unique edge over traditional finance people, so they have the incentives to jump. Bankers generally build their ranks through seniority and relationships, but being buddy buddy with the president won't make your program run. So there's no incentive for bankers to drop all his connections and try competing with some fresh grad out of MIT.
Its the money basically :whistle:
On the other hand i have seen computer scientists switching from finance to hardcore CS.Yes quite a few though.