Considering a carrer in QF

Hi there,

I repost my post here as I have not been very succesful in the "education" category

After a Bsc in civil engineering and a Msc in Economics/finance (not quantitative finance) from top tier european universities and internships in finance where I interacted with quants, I'm considering to pursue a carrer in quantitative finance as i'm about to do my master thesis related to that area.

I'm looking for advices and tips in order to have the skills and knowledge as I did not a proper QF/FE master and will probably not do because of my age (26).

I did the following during my recent studies that i believe is relevant for the profession: Econometrics, Time Series, Programming (python, vba, C++, matlab), a bit of machine learning, an introductry course of QF (black scholes,...), Financial Economics, Quantitative risk management, Computational Economics/finance,...

Based on your experience and judgement, what would you do if you were me ?:
- Read books (I have access of all lectures/exercices of the quantitative finance master of my uni)?
- do MOOCS ?
- do a Phd?
- do an online certificate (Worlquant or CQF)?
- Just work and gain experience ?

As i'm moving to Australia by the end of the year, I would like to exclude the possibility of a master as they are prohibitively expensive there.

Thanks a lot for any advices and tips :)
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