Cornell vs Columbia

Hi everyone, I got accepted recently to the Cornell MFE Program and am still waiting to hear from Columbia. I have seen many people on other threads compare the two programs and, for the most part, award Columbia as the favorite. It seems that the two biggest biggest reasons for this is the reputation of Columbia's program and its superior location in NYC. I see how Cornell's location in Ithaca is problematic, but shouldn't this disadvantage be somewhat mitigated with the semester at CFEM? This would seem to allow for ample networking opportunities as one works with practitioners coupled with the excellent career services Cornell has that could be comparable to the advantage of Columbia's location. Why does their location and overall program excellence clearly exceed that of Cornell's even with the semester at CFEM? Anyone with a more informed perspective able to share some insights would be very helpful (fingers crossed I even get into Columbia).

I am also specifically leaning towards a career in quant research so if either program stands out as a better option given that, please let me know. Thank you guys!
I don't have much to add beyond the fact that I am in the same situation. I suspect and hope Cornell is only marginally worse because my partner is in Syracuse so it would be nice to only be an hour away.
I am just having a hard time seeing clearly why Columbia is superior other than the widely held opinion that they are a better brand name in the quant world. Hopefully someone on here has a better informed perspective to shed some light.
I am just having a hard time seeing clearly why Columbia is superior other than the widely held opinion that they are a better brand name in the quant world. Hopefully someone on here has a better informed perspective to shed some light.
These two programs seem to have similar curriculums, and they are both offered in the OR department. Could someone, probably recent graduates, share more about their opinions or experiences with these two programs?
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