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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Does GRE Maths will help ?

The CGPA is big concern for my selection. As I checked I have low grades in maths courses too. Does giving Gre Maths will help my profile?

Applying for Master of Quantitative Finance

My Profile :
1. gre : 325 (169Q 156V)
2. CGPA - 7.1 (IIT Kharagpur)
3. work experience : 5 years of data science (Product based)
4. 4 research paper in data science ( First Author : NAACL, Asonam || second author - AAAI, ECAI : )
5. 1 year as startup Co-founder (40k users on playstore)
6. 1 year self learning experience of trading, options (Built and coded trend following strategy, different channels)
7. FRM - Level 1 Qualified.