• C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
    Highly recommended by thousands of MFE students. Covers essential C++ topics with applications to financial engineering. Learn more Join!
    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
    Gain practical understanding of Python to read, understand, and write professional Python code for your first day on the job. Learn more Join!
    An Intuition-Based Options Primer for FE
    Ideal for entry level positions interviews and graduate studies, specializing in options trading arbitrage and options valuation models. Learn more Join!

Donate used books to Quantnet library

I notice that we are building our own book library that will be used by MFE students. The books will be put in our Quantnet Lounge/Lab and can only be read there.

I have some used books that I read once/used for past courses/didn't like/whatever....so instead of having them occupy my bookshelf, I think it may be useful for others/future MFE students.

So if you want to find some better use to your old books, donate them so others can get fresh use out of them. please let post here so Nelisa/Dan can keep track and/or not order duplicates.

I'll bring these to our Quantnet library couple at a time. They are really heavy. :)

1. Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problem (4th Ed) by Dennis G. Zill
2. Algebra with trigonometry for College students (3rd Ed) by McKeague
3. Discrete mathematics and Its applications (3rd) by Rosen
4. GRE Mathematics subject preparation by REA

1. GRE Computer Science subject preparation by REA
2. C++ by example by Dorfman
3. Problem solving with C++ by Walter Salvitch (my very first book learning C++. i love this book)

I'l add more when i clean out my library

I have a long list of useful financial mathematics and C++ programming books in pdf format. Please let me know if you guys really want it. I can send a copy to Baruch.

I have a long list of useful financial mathematics and C++ programming books in pdf format. Please let me know if you guys really want it. I can send a copy to Baruch.
Thanks, Kean but we would prefer paper books for our physical library.
On another note, I visited the Quantnet lounge today and saw the new Quantnet book library. Lot of new books and still lot of empty spaces there :)

One of the books there is How I Became a Quant: Insights from 25 of Wall Street's Elite. I read the chapter about Prof. Peter Carr. Quite interesting !
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I expect to have 25 more books in the MFE Library at end of day on Wednesday!!! Carrying them to school will be rather challenging, indeed :)
Portfolio Management Formulas

by Ralph Vince.

I would like to suggest this book, though it has been some time since I looked the information over, it's very unique. His ideas on compounding enjoyed a heyday on Wall Street until they were misused.

I will keep my eyes open for a copy if the burgeoning MFE Library would want one.
