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For those with interviews in coming weeks, I thought this might be helpful. These questions were posted on doostang.com

So for everyone out there looking to break into the finance world, here are some questions that I have heard throughout my career on Wall Street. Let's get a thread going here, esp. since interview season is right around the corner!!!

100% Guaranteed Questions
- Walk me through your resume.
- Why Investment Banking / Sales & Trading / Private Client Services?
- How do you value a company (particular to investment banking)?
- Why did you choose (school name)
- What were your fall term grades? What was your SAT score? Why didn't you do better in ____ class?
- What qualities do you think are important for this industry? Do you possess those qualities?
- Do you understand the structure of our summer program / your job requirements?
- What is your greatest weakness?
- Why should we hire you?
- What do you do for fun?
- With what other firms are you interviewing? Are you also interviewing with consulting firms or for opportunities outside Investment Banking / Sales & Trading / PCS?
- If I gave you an offer right now would you accept?
- Rank the firms with whom you're interviewing in order of preference.
- What questions do you have for me?

Personal Goals & Accomplishments
- What made you choose your undergraduate school? Why did you major in ___?
- What was your favorite class so far?
- What are your 5-20 year career plans?
- What is your proudest accomplishment? Your most challenging personal experience?
- Tell me about a time when you led a team or took responsibility either at school or in your prior job?
- How do you work in teams? How do you handle a non-contributing team member? What do you add to a group when you take on a team assignment or group task?
- Describe a failure. What did you learn from it?
- How do you handle stress?
- Tell me a joke.

Financial Questions
- Why would two companies merge? What major factors drive mergers and acquisitions?
- Why might a company choose debt over equity financing?
- Where is our firm's stock trading?
- Where is the Dow Jones today? S&P? NASDAQ? 20-year or 30-year T-Bonds?
- Where do you think interest rates will be 2 year from now?
- Where is the market going?
- Tell me three items on the front page of today's Wall Street Journal.
- Do you personally invest in stocks? Which ones? Why?

Accounting Questions
- Walk me through a typical cash flow statement, balance sheet, or income statement.
- What is EBITDA?
- Company X's net income is ___; how do I compute their cash flow?
- What is goodwill? How does it effect net income?
- Why would a company choose pooling over purchase accounting?
- What is working capital?
- What are deferred taxes?

General Questions
- How does your past career qualify you for a position in investment banking / sales & trading / PCS?
- What do you hope to accomplish this summer?
- Rank the firms on Wall Street. Where do we fit? Who is our competition? What differentiates our firm? What are our strengths / weaknesses?
- Describe a typical day for a full-time analyst.
- What is your greatest concern about Investment Banking / our firm?
i realize that the financial and accounting questions are less relevant for us here. but the rest i think are definitely potential questions in quantitative interviews
sent an invite to you all
My impression of doostang is that even though it appears to be very career focused and serious, it lacks a sense of community and interactivity.

People there go by their real name, address, company. There are good info to be found and interesting people to meet.

I hope they bring more sense of active community to that site. Thanks for the evite, volatilicious.