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Energy Trade Life Cycle Urgent help needed!


Sorry if I chose a wrong forum to post this topic.. I’m a novice in the field of energy trading.. and I'm hoping someone here can help me ..cause it’s urgent! :sos:

I have a job interview in two days for a position in one Energy Trading company. It is an IT related position in the Back Office (so, it’s not directly related to the trading part of the business), but last week in a telephone interview the recruiter suggested me to check and prepare for Tuesday the Energy Trade Life Cycle (the whole trading process from a deal execution and capture through all post-trade activities .. to the settlement at the end).. So, I should know shortly to explain it..

I’ve tried to google it, but I could find any explanation with (or without) a diagram about it..

Could someone please explain me shortly the Energy Trade Life Cycle or maybe send me a link where I could find the explanation.. You can also contact me via email: viki930260@yahoo.com

Thank you in advance!

Energy Trade Life Cycle

Try to get a look at Weiss, "After the Trade is Made - Global Securities Processing". If the question comes up, turn it around, i.e. "I understand something about fixed income/equity, trade entered into front office system, aggregated, reconciled, posted to ledger and risk systems, I would imagine that energy would be similar EXCEPT perhaps for the physical component..."

Ken Abbott
Managing Director
Morgan Stanley

QF instructor at NYU, Rutgers, Baruch
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