From the EU to the US, advice on credentials

  • Thread starter Thread starter JackF
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Hi guys,

I'm currently in my penultimate year at a university in Europe in a top 100 world ranking university (so good but not MIT etc.) studying computer engineering. I have been fortunate in getting high firsts (US 4.0 equivalent) in my first 2 years, ranked in the top percentile and captained an algo programming team nationally and internationally with mixed success. I interned in two of the top investment banks last spring and summer in the tech devision and have been asked back by both this coming summer, one even saying I could choose my area of interest for the internship.

From the internships there is a good chance of getting offered a job usually (based on my peers last year), but I'm not sure if it would be the best choice to take (if offered) as I know I would be one of least educated and I would much rather excel then scrape by. Due to this I was hoping to potentially apply to grad school to really get up to scratch on the cutting edge areas as well as bring my finance knowledge up.

What I'm unsure about though is applying to MFE and/or Phd. If I went down those routes I would like to go to a top University, the Berkleys, MITs or Harvards (to name but a few). But coming from a European university that I doubt would be as well known and not having any connections - I'm afraid my CV will get lost in the thousands of applicants.

I'm currently studying for the GRE, but is there any other advice you could suggest? Should I be doing more banking internships or applying to research groups? I realise this might sound trivial but any advice would be great as the American system seems a little intimidating from the outside.

Thanks in advance
haha oh sorry, well my strong interests lie in econometrics, statistics and machine learning, as well as HPC more generally. So working in a algo trading or quant dev would be great - although I realise much of both fields are occupied by a lot of mathematicians, as opposed to computer engineers by primary study (or at least those who I have met)
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