Hi there,
is there any possibility to get some last year FX Option Prices with corresponding Strikes?
Does anyone know a database? The only thing I have access to, is bloomberg. But I dont know if it is possible to find there something (until now I havent found anything).
The other thing is, which interest rates are used to price EURUSD options? EURIBOR and USD LIBOR? Swaprates? Something else?
Hope you can help me a bit out.
is there any possibility to get some last year FX Option Prices with corresponding Strikes?
Does anyone know a database? The only thing I have access to, is bloomberg. But I dont know if it is possible to find there something (until now I havent found anything).
The other thing is, which interest rates are used to price EURUSD options? EURIBOR and USD LIBOR? Swaprates? Something else?
Hope you can help me a bit out.