Hoping for advice about courses for MFE programs

I am recently confused with the courses selection...Can anyone give me some suggestions about the priority/importance of the following courses for MFE programs/quantitative internship--- Dynamic Optimization, Numeric method and Machine Learning(Basic)? I am now struggling with arrangement with my schedule... Thanks a lot!!! : )
I am recently confused with the courses selection...Can anyone give me some suggestions about the priority/importance of the following courses for MFE programs/quantitative internship--- Dynamic Optimization, Numeric method and Machine Learning(Basic)? I am now struggling with arrangement with my schedule... Thanks a lot!!! : )

Do you have the full course description or syllabus? Some course titles are fluff. Others sound useless but contain good content. If you can program, and feel you can up-level your coding without courses, then lean towards a good math course. It's rare that a prof can combine good detail, and explanation on the math, in a course that includes a non-trivial programming portion. (Trivial = things like VBA, SSPS and random stats software).

Numeric Methods seems likes it would go before Dynamic Optimization. "Numeric Methods" makes me think Linear Optimization, and the other course could include non-linear opt, and network opt. As for Machine Learning, up to you. Never hurts to get direct instruction in the basics, but only do you don't have other ML options in/out of school.
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