CFA isn't seen as particularly "useful" to the admissions committee. It is a good way to pick up finance fundamentals and bridge any gaps you might have in terms of experience.
For the top programs, including Baruch, good grades in quantitative courses (math, stats,etc) plus relevant work experience are given much more weightage. What's your academic background? Have you done any internships in software engineering/data science/quantitative finance? Do you have any personal/academic projects that are related to finance or are heavily quantitative? You would need to be more specific to get a more comprehensive answer.
As @Qui-Gon mentioned, looking up past and current students from target programs on LinkedIn would be a good stepping stone. Moreover, every program(usually) has an incoming class profile highlighting average GPA, number of years of work experience, average GRE, etc. Comparing these statistics with what you find on Linkedin will give you a better idea about what each program looks for. There's also enough information here on QN, you just need to dig around to find it.
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